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Table: sdss_dr12.stellarmass_granada
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ageBest-fit mass-weighted average age of the stellar populationDOUBLE
age_maxMaximum value (higher 68% confidence level) for mass-weighted average age of the stellar populationDOUBLE
age_meanMean mass-weighted average age of the stellar populationDOUBLE
age_minMinimum value (lower 68% confidence level) for mass-weighted average age of the stellar populationDOUBLE
chi2Unreduced chi-square of best fitDOUBLE
cmodelabsmag_gCmodel absolute magnitudes in the g-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
cmodelabsmag_iCmodel absolute magnitudes in the i-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
cmodelabsmag_rCmodel absolute magnitudes in the r-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
cmodelabsmag_uCmodel absolute magnitudes in the u-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
cmodelabsmag_zCmodel absolute magnitudes in the z-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
decDeclination of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
dustWas dust extinction included in the fit?CHAR
dust1Best-fit value for dust attenuation around young starsDOUBLE
dust1_err1-sigma error for dust attenuation around young starsDOUBLE
dust1_maxMaximum value dust attenuation around young stars (higher 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
dust1_meanMean value for dust attenuation around young starsDOUBLE
dust1_minMinimum value dust attenuation around young stars (lower 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
dust2Best-fit value for dust attenuation around old starsDOUBLE
dust2_err1-sigma error for dust attenuation around old starsDOUBLE
dust2_maxMaximum value for dust attenuation around old stars (higher 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
dust2_meanMean value for dust attenuation around old starsDOUBLE
dust2_minMinimum value for dust attenuation around old stars (lower 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
fiberidFiber IDSMALLINT
glatGalactic LatitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic LongitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
imfInitial Mass Function, "salpeter" or "kroupa"CHAR
ke_gK+E corrections at z_0=0.55 in the g-bandDOUBLE
ke_iK+E corrections at z_0=0.55 in the i-bandDOUBLE
ke_rK+E corrections at z_0=0.55 in the r-bandDOUBLE
ke_uK+E corrections at z_0=0.55 in the u-bandDOUBLE
ke_zK+E corrections at z_0=0.55 in the z-bandDOUBLE
logmassBest-fit stellar mass of galaxyDOUBLE
logmass_err1-sigma error associated with LogMass_MedianDOUBLE
logmass_maxMaximum stellar mass (higher 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
logmass_medianMedian stellar mass of galaxy. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the stellar mass probability is accumulated (log base 10 in solar masses)DOUBLE
logmass_minMinimum stellar mass (lower 68% confidence level)DOUBLE
m2l_err_g1-sigma error associated to M2L_Median in the g-bandDOUBLE
m2l_err_i1-sigma error associated to M2L_Median in the i-bandDOUBLE
m2l_err_r1-sigma error associated to M2L_Median in the r-bandDOUBLE
m2l_err_u1-sigma error associated to M2L_Median in the u-bandDOUBLE
m2l_err_z1-sigma error associated to M2L_Median in the z-bandDOUBLE
m2l_gMass-to-light ratio in the g-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
m2l_iMass-to-light ratio in the i-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
m2l_max_gMaximum Mass-to-light ratio (higher 68% confidence level) in the g-bandDOUBLE
m2l_max_iMaximum Mass-to-light ratio (higher 68% confidence level) in the i-bandDOUBLE
m2l_max_rMaximum Mass-to-light ratio (higher 68% confidence level) in the r-bandDOUBLE
m2l_max_uMaximum Mass-to-light ratio (higher 68% confidence level) in the u-bandDOUBLE
m2l_max_zMaximum Mass-to-light ratio (higher 68% confidence level) in the z-bandDOUBLE
m2l_median_gMedian Mass-to-light ratio in the g-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the M/L probability is accumulatedDOUBLE
m2l_median_iMedian Mass-to-light ratio in the i-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the M/L probability is accumulatedDOUBLE
m2l_median_rMedian Mass-to-light ratio in the r-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the M/L probability is accumulatedDOUBLE
m2l_median_uMedian Mass-to-light ratio in the u-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the M/L probability is accumulatedDOUBLE
m2l_median_zMedian Mass-to-light ratio in the z-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55. It corresponds to the value of PDF at which 50% of the M/L probability is accumulatedDOUBLE
m2l_min_gMinimum Mass-to-light ratio (lower 68% confidence level) in the g-bandDOUBLE
m2l_min_iMinimum Mass-to-light ratio (lower 68% confidence level) in the i-bandDOUBLE
m2l_min_rMinimum Mass-to-light ratio (lower 68% confidence level) in the r-bandDOUBLE
m2l_min_uMinimum Mass-to-light ratio (lower 68% confidence level) in the u-bandDOUBLE
m2l_min_zMinimum Mass-to-light ratio (lower 68% confidence level) in the z-bandDOUBLE
m2l_rMass-to-light ratio in the r-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
m2l_uMass-to-light ratio in the u-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
m2l_zMass-to-light ratio in the z-band, K+E corrected at z_0=0.55DOUBLE
metallicityBest-fit metallicity, where Z_sun=0.019DOUBLE
metallicity_err1-sigma error for metallicityDOUBLE
metallicity_maxMaximum value (higher 68% confidence level) for metallicityDOUBLE
metallicity_meanMean metallicityDOUBLE
metallicity_minMinimum value (lower 68% confidence level) for metallicityDOUBLE
mjdMJD of observationINTEGER
modelStar formation model, "early" or "wide"CHAR
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nfilterNumber of filters used in the fit (default is 5 for ugriz)SMALLINT
platePlate numberSMALLINT
raRight ascension of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
sdss_joinidUnique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releasesBIGINT
specobjidUnique IDBIGINT
ssfrBest-fit specific star formation rateDOUBLE
ssfr_maxMaximum value (higher 68% confidence level) for specific star formation rateDOUBLE
ssfr_meanMean specific star formation rateDOUBLE
ssfr_minMinimum value (lower 68% confidence level) for specific star formation rateDOUBLE
t_ageBest-fit look-back formation timeDOUBLE
t_age_err1-sigma error for look-back formation timeDOUBLE
t_age_maxMaximum value (higher 68% confidence level) for look-back formation timeDOUBLE
t_age_meanMean look-back formation timeDOUBLE
t_age_minMinimum value (lower 68% confidence level) for look-back formation timeDOUBLE
tauBest-fit star formation history e-folding time (tau)DOUBLE
tau_err1-sigma star formation history e-folding time (tau)DOUBLE
tau_maxMaximum value (higher 68% confidence level) for star formation history e-folding time (tau)DOUBLE
tau_meanMean star formation history e-folding time (tau)DOUBLE
tau_minMinimum value (lower 68% confidence level) for star formation history e-folding time (tau)DOUBLE
zRedshift used (corresponds to z_noqso in specObjAll)REAL
z_errError in z (corresponds to zErr_noqso in specObjAll)REAL