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Table: sdss_dr12.stellarmass_portsmouth
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
absmagkAbsolute magnitude in K inferred from modelREAL
ageAge of best fitREAL
decDeclination of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
fiberidFiber IDSMALLINT
glatGalactic LatitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic LongitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
imfInitial Mass Function, "salpeter" or "kroupa"CHAR
logmassBest-fit stellar mass of galaxyREAL
logmass_nomasslossBest-fit stellar mass of galaxy (log base 10 in solar masses)REAL
maxage1-sigma maximum age (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
maxlogmass1-sigma maximum stellar mass (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
maxlogmass_nomassloss1-sigma maximum stellar mass (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1), not accounting for mass lossREAL
maxsfr1-sigma maximum star-formation rate of best fit (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
medianpdfMedian value in mass PDF (log base 10 in solar masses)REAL
medianpdf_nomasslossMedian value in mass PDF, not accounting for mass loss (log base 10 in solar masses)REAL
metallicityMetallicity of best fit template (0.004, 0.01, 0.02, 0.04, or "composite")CHAR
minage1-sigma minimum age (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
minlogmass1-sigma minimum stellar mass (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
minlogmass_nomassloss1-sigma minimum stellar mass (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1), not accounting for mass lossREAL
minsfr1-sigma minimum star-formation rate of best fit (where chi-squared is within minimum + 1)REAL
mjdMJD of observationINTEGER
modelStar formation model, "passive" or "starforming"CHAR
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nfilterNumber of filters used in the fit (default is 5 for ugriz)SMALLINT
pdf1616% lower limit on stellar mass in PDFREAL
pdf16_nomassloss16% lower limit on stellar mass in PDF, not accounting for mass lossREAL
pdf8484% upper limit on stellar mass in PDFREAL
pdf84_nomassloss84% upper limit on stellar mass in PDF, not accounting for mass lossREAL
peakpdfPeak of PDF (log base 10 in solar masses)REAL
peakpdf_nomasslossPeak of PDF, not accounting for mass loss (log base 10 in solar masses)REAL
platePlate numberSMALLINT
raRight ascension of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
reddeninglawID of best fit reddening law (0 = no reddening)SMALLINT
reducedchi2Reduced chi squared of best fitREAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
sdss_joinidUnique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releasesBIGINT
sfhStar-formation history model used ("const" or "tau=X" or "trunc=X", where X is the exponential decline rate, or the time until truncation of the model)CHAR
sfrStar-formation rate of best fitREAL
specobjidUnique IDBIGINT
zRedshift used (corresponds to z_noqso in specObjAll)REAL
zerrError in z (corresponds to zErr_noqso in specObjAll)REAL