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Table: sdss_dr12.stellarmass_wisconsin
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
calpha_0Coefficient for 0th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_1Coefficient for 1th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_2Coefficient for 2th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_3Coefficient for 3th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_4Coefficient for 4th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_5Coefficient for 5th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_6Coefficient for 6th eigenspectrum in fitREAL
calpha_normOverall normalization for best-fitDOUBLE
decDeclination of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
fiberidFiber IDSMALLINT
glatGalactic LatitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic LongitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
mjdMJD of observationINTEGER
modelPopulation synthesis model: MS11: Maraston & Stromback (2011); BC03: Bruzual & Charlot (2003)CHAR
mstellar_err1-sigma error in log stellar mass (84th minus 16th percential)DOUBLE
mstellar_medianmedian (50th percentile of PDF) of log stellar mass (best estimator)DOUBLE
mstellar_p1616th percentile of PDF of log stellar massDOUBLE
mstellar_p2p52.5th percentile of PDF of log stellar massDOUBLE
mstellar_p8484th percentile of PDF of log stellar massDOUBLE
mstellar_p97p597.5th percentile of PDF of log stellar massDOUBLE
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
platePlate numberSMALLINT
raRight ascension of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
sdss_joinidUnique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releasesBIGINT
specobjidUnique IDBIGINT
vdisp_err1-sigma error in velocity dispersion (84th minus 16th percential)DOUBLE
vdisp_medianmedian (50th percentile of PDF) of velocity dispersion (best estimator)DOUBLE
vdisp_p1616th percentile of PDF of velocity dispersionDOUBLE
vdisp_p2p52.5th percentile of PDF of velocity dispersionDOUBLE
vdisp_p8484th percentile of PDF of velocity dispersionDOUBLE
vdisp_p97p597.5th percentile of PDF of velocity dispersionDOUBLE
warningOutput warnings: 0 if everything is fine.INTEGER
zRedshift used (corresponds to z_noqso in specObjAll)REAL
zerrError in z (corresponds to zErr_noqso in specObjAll)REAL
znumIndex of chi^2 minimum corresponding to z_noqsoINTEGER