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Table: sdss_dr13.specobj
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ancillary_target1BOSS ancillary science target selection information at plate designBIGINT
ancillary_target2BOSS ancillary target selection information at plate designBIGINT
anyandmaskFor each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ANDMASKINTEGER
anyormaskFor each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ORMASKINTEGER
bestobjidObject ID of photoObj match (position-based)CHAR
bluefiberSet to 1 if this hole was designated a blue fiber, 0 if designated a red fiber (high redshift LRGs are preferentially in red fibers)INTEGER
boss_specobj_idIndex of BOSS observation in spAll flat fileINTEGER
boss_target1EBOSS target selection information at plate, for eBOSS platesBIGINT
boss_target2EBOSS target selection information at plate, for TDSS, SPIDERS, ELG, etc. platesBIGINT
calibflux_gFlux calibration in g bandREAL
calibflux_iFlux calibration in i bandREAL
calibflux_ivar_gFlux calibration in g band errorREAL
calibflux_ivar_iFlux calibration in i band errorREAL
calibflux_ivar_rFlux calibration in r band errorREAL
calibflux_ivar_uFlux calibration in u band errorREAL
calibflux_ivar_zFlux calibration in z band errorREAL
calibflux_rFlux calibration in r bandREAL
calibflux_uFlux calibration in u bandREAL
calibflux_zFlux calibration in z bandREAL
chi68p68-th percentile value of abs(chi) of the best-fit synthetic spectrum to the actual spectrum (around 1.0 for a good fit)REAL
chunkChunck nameCHAR
classSpectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR)CHAR
class_noqsoClassification in z_noqso redshiftCHAR
class_personPerson-assigned classification, if this object has been inspectedINTEGER
comments_personComments from person for inspected objectsCHAR
cxx of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
cyy of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
czz of Normal unit vector in J2000DOUBLE
deredsn2Dereddened signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for BOSS spectrograph)REAL
designidDesign ID numberINTEGER
dofDegree of freedom in best fitINTEGER
eboss_target0EBOSS target selection information, for SEQUELS platesBIGINT
elodie_bv(B-V) colorREAL
elodie_dofDegrees of freedom for fitINTEGER
elodie_fehMetallicity ([Fe/H])REAL
elodie_filenameFile name for best-fit Elodie starCHAR
elodie_objectStar name (mostly Henry Draper names)CHAR
elodie_rchi2Reduced chi^2REAL
elodie_sptypeSpectral typeCHAR
elodie_teffEffective temperatureREAL
elodie_z_errRedshift error (negative for invalid fit)REAL
elodie_z_modelerrStandard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit starsREAL
fiberidFiber IDINTEGER
firstreleaseName of first release this object was associated withCHAR
fluxobjidObject ID of photoObj match (flux-based)CHAR
fracnsighi_1Fraction of pixels high by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_10Fraction of pixels high by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_2Fraction of pixels high by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_3Fraction of pixels high by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_4Fraction of pixels high by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_5Fraction of pixels high by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_6Fraction of pixels high by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_7Fraction of pixels high by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_8Fraction of pixels high by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsighi_9Fraction of pixels high by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_1Fraction of pixels low by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_10Fraction of pixels low by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_2Fraction of pixels low by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_3Fraction of pixels low by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_4Fraction of pixels low by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_5Fraction of pixels low by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_6Fraction of pixels low by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_7Fraction of pixels low by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_8Fraction of pixels low by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsiglo_9Fraction of pixels low by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_1Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_10Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_2Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_3Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_4Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_5Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_6Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_7Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_8Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
fracnsigma_9Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fitREAL
instrumentInstrument nameCHAR
lambda_effEffective wavelength that hole was drilled for (accounting for atmopheric refraction)REAL
legacy_target1For Legacy program, target selection information at plate designINTEGER
legacy_target2For Legacy program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibrationINTEGER
marvels_target1Primary (science) target flags for MARVELS targetsINTEGER
marvels_target2Secondary (calibration) target flags for MARVELS targetsINTEGER
mjdModified Julian Date of observationINTEGER
npolyNumber of polynomial terms used in the fitINTEGER
nspecobsNumber of spectroscopic observationsSMALLINT
nturnoffMS turnoff stars on plateINTEGER
objid_gObject ID g-bandINTEGER
objid_iObject ID i-bandINTEGER
objid_rObject ID r-bandINTEGER
objid_uObject ID u-bandINTEGER
objid_zObject ID z-bandINTEGER
platePlate numberINTEGER
plateidPlate IDCHAR
platequalityPlate qualityCHAR
platerunPlate drill run nameCHAR
platesn2Overall signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for SDSS spectrograph)REAL
plug_decDeclination of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
plug_raRight ascension of fiber, J2000DOUBLE
primtargetTarget selection information at plate design, primary science selection (for backwards compatibility)INTEGER
programnameProgram nameCHAR
rchi2Reduced chi-squared of best fitREAL
rchi2diffDifference in reduced chi-squared between best and second best fitREAL
rchi2diff_noqsoReduced chi-squared difference from next best redshift, for z_noqso redshiftREAL
run1d1D Reduction version of spectrumCHAR
run2d2D Reduction version of spectrumCHAR
sectargetTarget selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection (for backwards compatibility)INTEGER
segue1_target1SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selectionINTEGER
segue1_target2SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selectionINTEGER
segue2_target1SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, primary science selectionINTEGER
segue2_target2SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selectionINTEGER
sn_median_allMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixelsREAL
sn_median_gMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixels in g-bandREAL
sn_median_iMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixels in i-bandREAL
sn_median_rMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixels in r-bandREAL
sn_median_uMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixels in u-bandREAL
sn_median_zMedian signal-to-noise over all good pixels in z-bandREAL
snturnoffSignal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate)REAL
sourcetypeFor Legacy, SEGUE-2 and BOSS science targets, type of object targeted as (target bits contain full information and are recommended)CHAR
spec1_g(S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1REAL
spec1_i(S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1REAL
spec1_r(S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1REAL
spec2_g(S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2REAL
spec2_i(S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2REAL
spec2_r(S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2REAL
specbossSet to 1 for primary BOSS spectrograph observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
special_target1for Special program target selection information at plate designBIGINT
special_target2for Special program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibrationBIGINT
speclegacySet to 1 for primary SDSS Legacy program observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
specobjidUnique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2DCHAR
specprimarySet to 1 for primary observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
specsdssSet to 1 for primary SDSS spectrograph observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
specsegueSet to 1 for primary SDSS SEGUE program observation of object (including SEGUE-1 and SEGUE-2), 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
specsegue1Set to 1 for primary SDSS SEGUE-1 program observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
specsegue2Set to 1 for primary SDSS SEGUE-2 program observation of object, 0 otherwiseSMALLINT
spectroflux_gSpectrum projected onto g filterREAL
spectroflux_iSpectrum projected onto i filterREAL
spectroflux_ivar_gInverse variance of spectrum projected onto g filterREAL
spectroflux_ivar_iInverse variance of spectrum projected onto i filterREAL
spectroflux_ivar_rInverse variance of spectrum projected onto r filterREAL
spectroflux_ivar_uInverse variance of spectrum projected onto u filterREAL
spectroflux_ivar_zInverse variance of spectrum projected onto z filterREAL
spectroflux_rSpectrum projected onto r filterREAL
spectroflux_uSpectrum projected onto u filterREAL
spectroflux_zSpectrum projected onto z filterREAL
spectrographidSpectrograph IDSMALLINT
spectroskyflux_gSky spectrum projected onto g filterREAL
spectroskyflux_iSky spectrum projected onto i filterREAL
spectroskyflux_rSky spectrum projected onto r filterREAL
spectroskyflux_uSky spectrum projected onto u filterREAL
spectroskyflux_zSky spectrum projected onto z filterREAL
spectrosynflux_gBest-fit template spectrum projected onto g filterREAL
spectrosynflux_iBest-fit template spectrum projected onto i filterREAL
spectrosynflux_ivar_gInverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filterREAL
spectrosynflux_ivar_iInverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filterREAL
spectrosynflux_ivar_rInverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filterREAL
spectrosynflux_ivar_uInverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto u filterREAL
spectrosynflux_ivar_zInverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto z filterREAL
spectrosynflux_rBest-fit template spectrum projected onto r filterREAL
spectrosynflux_uBest-fit template spectrum projected onto u filterREAL
spectrosynflux_zBest-fit template spectrum projected onto z filterREAL
subclassSpectroscopic subclassCHAR
subclass_noqsoSub-classification in z_noqso redshiftCHAR
surveySurvey nameCHAR
targetobjidObject ID of original targetCHAR
targettypeNature of target: SCIENCE, STANDARD, or SKYCHAR
tcolumn_1Which column of the template file corresponds to template #1INTEGER
tcolumn_10Which column of the template file corresponds to template #10INTEGER
tcolumn_2Which column of the template file corresponds to template #2INTEGER
tcolumn_3Which column of the template file corresponds to template #3INTEGER
tcolumn_4Which column of the template file corresponds to template #4INTEGER
tcolumn_5Which column of the template file corresponds to template #5INTEGER
tcolumn_6Which column of the template file corresponds to template #6INTEGER
tcolumn_7Which column of the template file corresponds to template #7INTEGER
tcolumn_8Which column of the template file corresponds to template #8INTEGER
tcolumn_9Which column of the template file corresponds to template #9INTEGER
tfileFile name of best fit template sourceCHAR
theta_1Coefficient for template #1 of fitREAL
theta_10Coefficient for template #10 of fitREAL
theta_2Coefficient for template #2 of fitREAL
theta_3Coefficient for template #3 of fitREAL
theta_4Coefficient for template #4 of fitREAL
theta_5Coefficient for template #5 of fitREAL
theta_6Coefficient for template #6 of fitREAL
theta_7Coefficient for template #7 of fitREAL
theta_8Coefficient for template #8 of fitREAL
theta_9Coefficient for template #9 of fitREAL
tileTitle numberINTEGER
vdispVelocity dispersionREAL
vdisp_errError in velocity dispersionREAL
vdispchi2Chi-squared associated with velocity dispersion fitREAL
vdispdofNumber of degrees of freedom in velocity dispersion fitINTEGER
vdispnpixNumber of pixels overlapping best template in velocity dispersion fitREAL
vdispzRedshift associated with best fit velocity dispersionREAL
vdispz_errError in redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersionREAL
wavemaxMaximum observed (vacuum) wavelengthREAL
waveminMinimum observed (vacuum) wavelengthREAL
wcoverageCoverage in wavelength, in units of log10 wavelengthREAL
xfocalX focal plane position (+RA direction)REAL
yfocalY focal plane position (+Dec direction)REAL
zFinal redshiftREAL
z_conf_personVisual-inspection confidence (0=not inspected or no confidence, 1,2=low confidence, 3,4=high confidence)INTEGER
z_errRedshift errorREAL
z_err_noqsoError in z_noqso redshiftREAL
z_noqsoBest redshift when excluding QSO fit (right redshift to use for galaxy targets)REAL
z_personPerson-assigned redshift, if this object has been inspectedREAL
zoffsetWasher thickness used (for backstopping BOSS quasar targets, so they are closer to 4000 Angstrom focal plan)REAL
zwarningBitmask of warning values; 0 means all is wellINTEGER
zwarning_noqsoWarnings in z_noqso redshiftINTEGER