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Table: sdss_dr14.specobj
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
ancillary_target1 | BOSS ancillary science target selection information at plate design | BIGINT |
ancillary_target2 | BOSS ancillary target selection information at plate design | BIGINT |
anyandmask | For each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ANDMASK | INTEGER |
anyormask | For each bit, records whether any pixel in the spectrum has that bit set in its ORMASK | INTEGER |
bestobjid | Object ID of photoObj match (position-based) | BIGINT |
bluefiber | Set to 1 if this hole was designated a "blue fiber", 0 if designated a "red fiber" (high redshift LRGs are preferentially in "red fibers") | INTEGER |
boss_target1 | BOSS target selection information at plate | BIGINT |
bossprimary | Best version of spectrum at this location, among BOSS plates | SMALLINT |
bossspecobjid | Index of BOSS observation in spAll flat file | INTEGER |
chi68p | 68-th percentile value of abs(chi) of the best-fit synthetic spectrum to the actual spectrum (around 1.0 for a good fit) | REAL |
chunk | Chunk name | CHAR |
class | Spectroscopic class (GALAXY, QSO, or STAR) | CHAR |
class_noqso | Classification in "z_noqso" redshift | CHAR |
class_person | Person-assigned classification, if this object has been inspected | SMALLINT |
comments_person | Comments from person for inspected objects | CHAR |
cx | x of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
cy | y of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
cz | z of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
dec | Declination of fiber, J2000 | DOUBLE |
deredsn2 | Dereddened signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for BOSS spectrograph) | REAL |
designid | Design ID number | INTEGER |
dof | Degrees of freedom in best fit | INTEGER |
eboss_target0 | EBOSS target selection information, for SEQUELS plates | BIGINT |
eboss_target1 | EBOSS target selection information, for eBOSS plates | BIGINT |
eboss_target2 | EBOSS target selection information, for TDSS, SPIDERS, ELG, etc. plates | BIGINT |
eboss_target_id | EBOSS unique target identifier for every spectroscopic target, | BIGINT |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elodiebv | (B-V) color | REAL |
elodiedof | Degrees of freedom for fit | INTEGER |
elodiefeh | Metallicity ([Fe/H]) | REAL |
elodiefilename | File name for best-fit Elodie star | CHAR |
elodielogg | log10(gravity) | REAL |
elodieobject | Star name (mostly Henry Draper names) | CHAR |
elodierchi2 | Reduced chi^2 | REAL |
elodiesptype | Spectral type | CHAR |
elodieteff | Effective temperature | REAL |
elodiez | Redshift | REAL |
elodiezerr | Redshift error (negative for invalid fit) | REAL |
elodiezmodelerr | Standard deviation in redshift among the 12 best-fit stars | REAL |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
fiberid | Fiber ID | SMALLINT |
firstrelease | Name of first release this object was associated with | CHAR |
fluxobjid | Object ID of photoObj match (flux-based) | BIGINT |
fracnsighi_1 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_10 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_2 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_3 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_4 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_5 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_6 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_7 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_8 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsighi_9 | Fraction of pixels high by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_1 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_10 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_2 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_3 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_4 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_5 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_6 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_7 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_8 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsiglo_9 | Fraction of pixels low by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_1 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 1 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_10 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 10 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_2 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 2 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_3 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 3 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_4 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 4 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_5 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 5 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_6 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 6 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_7 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 7 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_8 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 8 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
fracnsigma_9 | Fraction of pixels deviant by more than 9 sigma relative to best-fit | REAL |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
instrument | Instrument used (SDSS or BOSS spectrograph) | CHAR |
lambdaeff | Effective wavelength that hole was drilled for (accounting for atmopheric refraction) | REAL |
legacy_target1 | for Legacy program, target selection information at plate design | BIGINT |
legacy_target2 | for Legacy program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibration | BIGINT |
legacyprimary | Best version of spectrum at this location, among Legacy plates | SMALLINT |
mjd | MJD of observation | INTEGER |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
npoly | Number of polynomial terms used in the fit | INTEGER |
plate | Plate number | SMALLINT |
plateid | Database ID of Plate | BIGINT |
platerun | Plate drill run name | CHAR |
platesn2 | Overall signal-to-noise-squared measure for plate (only set for SDSS spectrograph) | REAL |
primtarget | target selection information at plate design, primary science selection (for backwards compatibility) | BIGINT |
programname | Program name | CHAR |
ra | Right ascension of fiber, J2000 | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
rchi2 | Reduced chi-squared of best fit | REAL |
rchi2diff | Difference in reduced chi-squared between best and second best fit | REAL |
rchi2diff_noqso | Reduced chi-squared difference from next best redshift, for "z_noqso" redshift | REAL |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
run1d | 1D Reduction version of spectrum | CHAR |
run2d | 2D Reduction version of spectrum | CHAR |
scienceprimary | Best version of spectrum at this location (defines default view SpecObj) | SMALLINT |
sdss_joinid | Unique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releases | BIGINT |
sdssprimary | Best version of spectrum at this location among SDSS plates (defines default view SpecObj) | SMALLINT |
sectarget | target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection (for backwards compatibility) | BIGINT |
segue1_target1 | SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection | BIGINT |
segue1_target2 | SEGUE-1 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection | BIGINT |
segue1primary | Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE-1 plates | SMALLINT |
segue2_target1 | SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, primary science selection | BIGINT |
segue2_target2 | SEGUE-2 target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calib selection | BIGINT |
segue2primary | Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE-1 plates | SMALLINT |
segueprimary | Best version of spectrum at this location, among SEGUE plates | SMALLINT |
sn1_g | (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 | REAL |
sn1_i | (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 | REAL |
sn1_r | (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 | REAL |
sn2_g | (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 | REAL |
sn2_i | (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 | REAL |
sn2_r | (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 | REAL |
snmedian | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels | REAL |
snmedian_g | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in g-band | REAL |
snmedian_i | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in i-band | REAL |
snmedian_r | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in r-band | REAL |
snmedian_u | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in u-band | REAL |
snmedian_z | Median signal-to-noise over all good pixels in z-band | REAL |
snturnoff | Signal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate) | REAL |
sourcetype | For Legacy, SEGUE-2 and BOSS science targets, type of object targeted as (target bits contain full information and are recommended) | CHAR |
special_target1 | for Special program target selection information at plate design | BIGINT |
special_target2 | for Special program target selection information at plate design, secondary/qa/calibration | BIGINT |
specobjid | Unique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D | BIGINT |
spectroflux_g | Spectrum projected onto g filter | REAL |
spectroflux_i | Spectrum projected onto i filter | REAL |
spectroflux_r | Spectrum projected onto r filter | REAL |
spectroflux_u | Spectrum projected onto u filter | REAL |
spectroflux_z | Spectrum projected onto z filter | REAL |
spectrofluxivar_g | Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto g filter | REAL |
spectrofluxivar_i | Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto i filter | REAL |
spectrofluxivar_r | Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto r filter | REAL |
spectrofluxivar_u | Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto u filter | REAL |
spectrofluxivar_z | Inverse variance of spectrum projected onto z filter | REAL |
spectrographid | which spectrograph (1,2) | SMALLINT |
spectroskyflux_g | Sky spectrum projected onto g filter | REAL |
spectroskyflux_i | Sky spectrum projected onto i filter | REAL |
spectroskyflux_r | Sky spectrum projected onto r filter | REAL |
spectroskyflux_u | Sky spectrum projected onto u filter | REAL |
spectroskyflux_z | Sky spectrum projected onto z filter | REAL |
spectrosynflux_g | Best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter | REAL |
spectrosynflux_i | Best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter | REAL |
spectrosynflux_r | Best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter | REAL |
spectrosynflux_u | Best-fit template spectrum projected onto u filter | REAL |
spectrosynflux_z | Best-fit template spectrum projected onto z filter | REAL |
spectrosynfluxivar_g | Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto g filter | REAL |
spectrosynfluxivar_i | Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto i filter | REAL |
spectrosynfluxivar_r | Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto r filter | REAL |
spectrosynfluxivar_u | Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto u filter | REAL |
spectrosynfluxivar_z | Inverse variance of best-fit template spectrum projected onto z filter | REAL |
subclass | Spectroscopic subclass | CHAR |
subclass_noqso | Sub-classification in "z_noqso" redshift | CHAR |
survey | Survey name | CHAR |
targetobjid | Object ID of original target | BIGINT |
targettype | Nature of target: SCIENCE, STANDARD, or SKY | CHAR |
tcolumn_0 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #0 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_1 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #1 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_2 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #2 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_3 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #3 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_4 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #4 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_5 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #5 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_6 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #6 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_7 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #7 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_8 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #8 | SMALLINT |
tcolumn_9 | Which column of the template file corresponds to template #9 | SMALLINT |
tfile | File name of best fit template source | CHAR |
theta_0 | Coefficient for template #0 of fit | REAL |
theta_1 | Coefficient for template #1 of fit | REAL |
theta_2 | Coefficient for template #2 of fit | REAL |
theta_3 | Coefficient for template #3 of fit | REAL |
theta_4 | Coefficient for template #4 of fit | REAL |
theta_5 | Coefficient for template #5 of fit | REAL |
theta_6 | Coefficient for template #6 of fit | REAL |
theta_7 | Coefficient for template #7 of fit | REAL |
theta_8 | Coefficient for template #8 of fit | REAL |
theta_9 | Coefficient for template #9 of fit | REAL |
thing_id | Unique identifier from global resolve | INTEGER |
thing_id_targeting | thing_id value from the version of resolve from which the targeting was created | BIGINT |
tile | Tile number | INTEGER |
veldisp | Velocity dispersion | REAL |
veldispchi2 | Chi-squared associated with velocity dispersion fit | REAL |
veldispdof | Number of degrees of freedom in velocity dispersion fit | INTEGER |
veldisperr | Error in velocity dispersion | REAL |
veldispnpix | Number of pixels overlapping best template in velocity dispersion fit | REAL |
veldispz | Redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion | REAL |
veldispzerr | Error in redshift associated with best fit velocity dispersion | REAL |
wavemax | Maximum observed (vacuum) wavelength | REAL |
wavemin | Minimum observed (vacuum) wavelength | REAL |
wcoverage | Coverage in wavelength, in units of log10 wavelength | REAL |
xfocal | X focal plane position (+RA direction) | REAL |
yfocal | Y focal plane position (+Dec direction) | REAL |
z | Final Redshift | REAL |
z_noqso | Best redshift when excluding QSO fit (right redshift to use for galaxy targets) | REAL |
z_person | Person-assigned redshift, if this object has been inspected | REAL |
zerr | Redshift error | REAL |
zerr_noqso | Error in "z_noqso" redshift | REAL |
zoffset | Washer thickness used (for backstopping BOSS quasar targets, so they are closer to 4000 Angstrom focal plan) | REAL |
zwarning | Bitmask of warning values; 0 means all is well | INTEGER |
zwarning_noqso | Warnings in "z_noqso" redshift | INTEGER |