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Table: sdss_dr16.dr16q
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
ai_civ | Absorption index for C IV Lambda1549 region | DOUBLE |
ai_siiv | Absorption index for Si IV Lambda1396 region | DOUBLE |
ancillary_target1 | BOSS target selection flag for ancillary programs | BIGINT |
ancillary_target2 | BOSS target selection flag for ancillary programs | BIGINT |
autoclass_dr14q | Object classification based only on the DR14Q algorithm | CHAR |
autoclass_pqn | Object classification post-QuasarNET | CHAR |
bal_prob | BAL probability | DOUBLE |
bi_civ | BALnicity index for C IV Lambda1549 region | DOUBLE |
bi_siiv | BALnicity index for Si IV Lambda1396 region | DOUBLE |
boss_target1 | BOSS target selection for main survey | BIGINT |
chunk | Name of tiling chunk (from platelist product) | CHAR |
class_person | Object classification from visual inspection | INTEGER |
conf_dla_1 | Confidence of detection for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
conf_dla_2 | Confidence of detection for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
conf_dla_3 | Confidence of detection for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
conf_dla_4 | Confidence of detection for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
conf_dla_5 | Confidence of detection for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
dec | Declination in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_ciii | Delta Chi^2 for C III] Lambda1908 line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_civ | Delta Chi^2 for C IV Lambda1549 line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_halpha | Delta Chi^2 for HAlpha line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_hbeta | Delta Chi^2 for HBetha line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_lya | Delta Chi^2 for LyAlpha line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_mgii | Delta Chi^2 for Mg II Lambda2799 line redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
deltachi2_pca | Delta Chi^2 for PCA redshift vs. cubic continuum fit | DOUBLE |
disk_only | TRUE if the object is not listed in specobjall | CHAR |
eboss_target0 | Target selection flag for the eBOSS pilot survey (SEQUELS) | BIGINT |
eboss_target1 | eBOSS target selection flag | BIGINT |
eboss_target2 | eBOSS target selection flag | BIGINT |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
err_ai_civ | Uncertainty of absorption index for C IV Lambda1549 region | DOUBLE |
err_ai_siiv | Uncertainty of absorption index for Si IV Lambda1396 region | DOUBLE |
err_bi_civ | Uncertainty of BI for C IV Lambda1549 region | DOUBLE |
err_bi_siiv | Uncertainty of BI for Si IV Lambda1396 region | DOUBLE |
extinction_g | Galactic extinction in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
extinction_i | Galactic extinction in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
extinction_r | Galactic extinction in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
extinction_u | Galactic extinction in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
extinction_z | Galactic extinction in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
fiberid | Fiber ID number | SMALLINT |
first_flux | FIRST peak flux density at 20 cm in mJy | DOUBLE |
first_matched | Matching flag for FIRST | INTEGER |
first_snr | FIRST flux density S/N | DOUBLE |
fuv | FUV flux from GALEX | DOUBLE |
fuv_ivar | Inverse variance of FUV flux from GALEX | DOUBLE |
gaia_bp_flux_snr | Mean flux over standard deviation in BP-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
gaia_bp_mag | Mean magnitude in BP-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
gaia_dec | Gaia barycentric declination in decimal degrees (J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_designation | Gaia designation, includes data release and source ID in that release | CHAR |
gaia_g_flux_snr | Mean flux over standard deviation in G-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
gaia_g_mag | Mean magnitude in G-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
gaia_matched | Gaia matching flag | INTEGER |
gaia_parallax | Absolute stellar parallax (J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_parallax_err | Inverse variance of the stellar parallax (J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_pm_dec | Proper motion in declination (mas yr-1, J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_pm_dec_err | Inverse variance of the proper motion in declination (yr2 mas-2, J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_pm_ra | Proper motion in right ascension (mas yr-1, J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_pm_ra_err | Inverse variance of the proper motion in right ascension (yr2 mas-2, J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_ra | Gaia barycentric right ascension in decimal degrees (J2015.5) | DOUBLE |
gaia_rp_flux_snr | Mean flux over standard deviation in RP-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
gaia_rp_mag | Mean magnitude in RP-band (Vega) | DOUBLE |
galex_matched | Matching flag for GALEX | INTEGER |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
hflux | H-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
hflux_err | Error in H-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
hmag | 2MASS H-band magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
hmag_err | 2MASS Error in H-band magnitude | DOUBLE |
hrdflag | 2MASS H-band photometry flag | SMALLINT |
hsnr | 2MASS H-band S/N | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
is_qso_10k | Binary flag for random set quasar identification | INTEGER |
is_qso_dr12q | Flag indicating if an object was a quasar in DR12Q | INTEGER |
is_qso_dr7q | Flag indicating if an object was a quasar in DR7Q | INTEGER |
is_qso_final | Flag indicating quasars to be included in final catalog | INTEGER |
is_qso_qn | Binary flag for QuasarNET quasar identification | INTEGER |
jflux | J-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
jflux_err | Error in J-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
jmag | 2MASS J-band magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
jmag_err | 2MASS Error in J-band magnitude | DOUBLE |
jrdflag | 2MASS J-band photometry flag | SMALLINT |
jsnr | 2MASS J-band S/N | DOUBLE |
kflux | K-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
kflux_err | Error in K-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
kmag | 2MASS Ks-band magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
kmag_err | 2MASS Error in Ks-band magnitude | DOUBLE |
krdflag | 2MASS Ks-band photometry flag | SMALLINT |
ksnr | 2MASS Ks-band S/N | DOUBLE |
lambda_eff | Wavelength to optimize hold location for, in Angstroms | DOUBLE |
mi | Absolute i-band magnitude, H0 = 67.6 km s-1 Mpc-1, OMEGAM = 0.31, OMEGAL = 0.69, OMEGAR = 9.11x10-5. K-corrections taken from Table 4 of Richards et al. (2006). Z_PCA used for redshifts | DOUBLE |
mjd | Modified Julian day of the spectroscopic observation | INTEGER |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
nhi_dla_1 | Absorber column density for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
nhi_dla_2 | Absorber column density for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
nhi_dla_3 | Absorber column density for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
nhi_dla_4 | Absorber column density for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
nhi_dla_5 | Absorber column density for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
nspec | Total number of additional observations | SMALLINT |
nspec_boss | Number of additional observations from BOSS/eBOSS | SMALLINT |
nspec_sdss | Number of additional observations from SDSS-I/II | SMALLINT |
nuv | NUV flux from GALEX | DOUBLE |
nuv_ivar | Inverse variance of NUV flux from GALEX | DOUBLE |
objid | SDSS object identification number | CHAR |
pipe_corr_10k | Binary flag indicating if the automated pipeline classification and redshift were correct in the random set | INTEGER |
plate | Spectroscopic plate number | SMALLINT |
platesn2 | Overall (S/N)2 measure for plate, minimum of all 4 cameras | DOUBLE |
psfflux_g | Flux in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfflux_i | Flux in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfflux_ivar_g | Inverse variance of u, g, r, i, z fluxes | DOUBLE |
psfflux_ivar_i | Inverse variance of u, g, r, i, z fluxes | DOUBLE |
psfflux_ivar_r | Inverse variance of u, g, r, i, z fluxes | DOUBLE |
psfflux_ivar_u | Inverse variance of u, g, r, i, z fluxes | DOUBLE |
psfflux_ivar_z | Inverse variance of u, g, r, i, z fluxes | DOUBLE |
psfflux_r | Flux in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfflux_u | Flux in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfflux_z | Flux in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmag_g | PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmag_i | PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmag_r | PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmag_u | PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmag_z | PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmagerr_g | Error of PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmagerr_i | Error of PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmagerr_r | Error of PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmagerr_u | Error of PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
psfmagerr_z | Error of PSF magnitudes in u, g, r, i, z bands | DOUBLE |
ra | Right ascension in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
random_select | Binary flag indicating objects selected for random visual inspection | INTEGER |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rosat_dec | Declination of the ROSAT source in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
rosat_id | ROSAT ID | CHAR |
rosat_ra | Right ascension of the ROSAT source in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
rosat_src_flux | ROSAT source flux in 0.5-2.0 keV band in erg s-1 cm-2 (G = 2.4, dered) | DOUBLE |
rosat_src_flux_err | ROSAT source flux error in 0.5-2.0 keV band in erg s-1 cm-2 (G = 2.4, dered) | DOUBLE |
run2d | Spectroscopic reduction version | CHAR |
sdss2first_sep | SDSS-FIRST separation in arcsec | DOUBLE |
sdss2gaia_sep | SDSS-Gaia separation in arcsec | DOUBLE |
sdss2mass_sep | SDSS-2MASS separation in arcsec | DOUBLE |
sdss2rosat_sep | SDSS-ROSAT separation in arcsec | DOUBLE |
sdss2xmm_sep | SDSS-XMM-Newton separation in arcsec | DOUBLE |
sdss_joinid | Unique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releases | BIGINT |
sdss_name | SDSS-DR16 designation (, J2000) | CHAR |
sn_median_all | Median S/N value of all good spectroscopic pixels | DOUBLE |
specobjid | Unique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D | BIGINT |
thing_id | SDSS identifier | BIGINT |
tile | Tile number | SMALLINT |
ukidss_matched | Matching flag for UKIDSS | INTEGER |
w1_chi2 | Profile-weighed Chi^2 | DOUBLE |
w1_ext_flux | Profile-weighted flux from other sources | DOUBLE |
w1_ext_frac | Profile-weighted fraction of flux from other sources (blendedness measure) | DOUBLE |
w1_flux | WISE flux in W1-band (Vega, nanomaggies) | DOUBLE |
w1_flux_ivar | Inverse variance in W1-band (Vega, nanomaggies-2) | DOUBLE |
w1_flux_snr | S/N from flux and inverse variance | DOUBLE |
w1_mag | W1-band magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
w1_mag_err | W1-band uncertainty in magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
w1_npix | Number of pixels in fit | INTEGER |
w1_src_frac | Profile-weighted number of exposures in coadd | DOUBLE |
w2_chi2 | Profile-weighed Chi^2 | DOUBLE |
w2_ext_flux | Profile-weighted flux from other sources | DOUBLE |
w2_ext_frac | Profile-weighted fraction of flux from other sources (blendedness measure) | DOUBLE |
w2_flux | WISE flux in W2-band (Vega, nanomaggies) | DOUBLE |
w2_flux_ivar | Inverse variance in W2-band (Vega, nanomaggies-2) | DOUBLE |
w2_flux_snr | S/N from flux and inverse variance | DOUBLE |
w2_mag | W2-band magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
w2_mag_err | W2-band uncertainty in magnitude (Vega) | DOUBLE |
w2_npix | Number of pixels in fit | INTEGER |
w2_src_frac | Profile-weighted number of exposures in coadd | DOUBLE |
xfocal | Hole x-axis position in focal plane, in mm | DOUBLE |
xmm_dec | Declination for XMM source in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
xmm_hard_flux | Hard (2.0-12.0 keV) X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_hard_flux_err | Error on hard X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_ra | Right ascension for XMM source in decimal degrees (J2000) | DOUBLE |
xmm_soft_flux | Soft (0.2-2.0 keV) X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_soft_flux_err | Error on soft X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_src_id | XMM source ID | BIGINT |
xmm_total_flux | Total (0.2-12.0 keV) X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_total_flux_err | Error on total X-ray flux from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 cm-2 | DOUBLE |
xmm_total_lum | Total (0.2-12.0 keV) X-ray luminosity from XMM-Newton in erg s-1 | DOUBLE |
yflux | Y-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
yflux_err | Error in Y-band flux density from UKIDSS in W m-2 Hz-1 | DOUBLE |
yfocal | Hole y-axis position in focal plane, in mm | DOUBLE |
z | Best available redshift taken from Z_VI, Z_PIPE, Z_DR12Q, Z_DR7Q_SCH, Z_DR6Q_HW, and Z_10K | DOUBLE |
z_10k | Redshift from visual inspection in random set | DOUBLE |
z_ciii | PCA line redshift for C III] Lambda1908 from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_civ | PCA line redshift for C IV Lambda1549 from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_conf | Confidence rating for visual inspection redshift | INTEGER |
z_conf_10k | Confidence rating for visual inspection redshift in random set | INTEGER |
z_dla_1 | Redshift for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
z_dla_2 | Redshift for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
z_dla_3 | Redshift for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
z_dla_4 | Redshift for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
z_dla_5 | Redshift for damped LyAlpha features | DOUBLE |
z_dr12q | Redshift taken from DR12Q visual inspection | DOUBLE |
z_dr6q_hw | Redshift taken from DR6-based Hewett and Wild (2010) catalog | DOUBLE |
z_dr7q_hw | Redshift using Hewett and Wild (2010) updates for DR7Q sources from the Shen et al. (2011) catalog | DOUBLE |
z_dr7q_sch | Redshift taken from DR7Q Schneider et al (2010) catalog | DOUBLE |
z_halpha | PCA line redshift for HAlpha from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_hbeta | PCA line redshift for HBetha from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_lya | PCA line redshift for LyAlpha from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_lyawg | PCA systemic redshift from redvsblue with a masked LyAlpha emission line and forest | DOUBLE |
z_mgii | PCA line redshift for Mg II Lambda2799 from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_pca | PCA-derived systemic redshift from redvsblue | DOUBLE |
z_pipe | SDSS automated pipeline redshift | DOUBLE |
z_qn | Systemic redshift from QuasarNET | DOUBLE |
z_vi | Visual inspection redshift | DOUBLE |
zoffset | Backstopping offset distance, in microm | DOUBLE |
zsource | Origin of the reported redshift in Z | CHAR |
zwarn_ciii | Warning flag for C III] Lambda1908 redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_civ | Warning flag for C IV Lambda1549 redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_halpha | Warning flag for HAlpha redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_hbeta | Warning flag for HBetha redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_lya | Warning flag for LyAlpha redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_mgii | Warning flag for Mg II Lambda2799 redshift | BIGINT |
zwarn_pca | Warning flag for redvsblue redshift | BIGINT |
zwarning | Quality flag on the pipeline redshift estimate | INTEGER |