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Table: sdss_dr16.platex
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass | Airmass at central TAI time [from spPlate header] | REAL |
airtemp | Air temperature in the dome [from spPlate header] | REAL |
camversion | Camera code version [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
cartridgeid | ID of cartridge used for the observation [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
chunk | Name of tiling chunk [from platelist product] | CHAR |
cx | x of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
cy | y of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
cz | z of Normal unit vector in J2000 | DOUBLE |
dateobs | Date of 1st row [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
dec | Dec, J2000 [from spPlate header] | DOUBLE |
dered_sn1_g | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
dered_sn1_i | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
dered_sn1_r | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
dered_sn2_g | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
dered_sn2_i | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
dered_sn2_r | Dereddened (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
deredsn2 | Dereddened overall signal to noise measure for plate (only set for BOSS plates) | REAL |
designcomments | Comments on the plate design from plate plans [from platelist product] | CHAR |
designid | Design number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product] | INTEGER |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
exptime | Total Exposure time [from spPlate header] | REAL |
exptimeb1 | exposure time in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | REAL |
exptimeb2 | exposure time in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | REAL |
exptimer1 | exposure time in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | REAL |
exptimer2 | exposure time in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | REAL |
fbadpix | Fraction of pixels that are bad (total) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
fbadpix1 | Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #1) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
fbadpix2 | Fraction of pixels that are bad (spectrograph #2) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
firstrelease | Name of release that this plate/mjd/rerun was first distributed in | CHAR |
fmapversion | version of fiber mapping software [from plPlugMapM file] | CHAR |
fscanmode | slow, fast, or extreme [from plPlugMapM file] | CHAR |
fscanspeed | speed of scan [from plPlugMapM file] | INTEGER |
fscanversion | version of fiber scanning software [from plPlugMapM file] | CHAR |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
goffgal | Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
goffstd | Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
grmsgal | Standard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
grmsstd | Standard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
groffgal | Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
groffstd | Mean g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
grrmsgal | Standard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
grrmsstd | Standard deviation of g-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
ha | hour angle of design [from plPlugMapM file] | REAL |
heliorv | Heliocentric velocity correction [from spPlate header] | REAL |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
instrument | Instrument used (SDSS or BOSS spectrograph) | CHAR |
ioffgal | Mean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
ioffstd | Mean i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
iopversion | IOP Version [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
irmsgal | Standard deviation of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
irmsstd | Standard deviation of i-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
isbest | is this plateX entry the best observation of the plate | SMALLINT |
isprimary | is this plateX entry both good and the best observation of the plate | SMALLINT |
istile | is this plate the best representative of its tile (only set for "legacy" program plates) | SMALLINT |
locationid | Location number number for SDSS-III plates (-1 for SDSS-I, -II) [from platelist product] | INTEGER |
mapmjd | Map MJD [from spPlate header] | INTEGER |
mapname | ID of mapping file [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
mjd | MJD of observation (last) | INTEGER |
mjddesign | MJD designed for [from plPlugMapM file] | INTEGER |
mjdlist | List of contributing MJDs [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
nexp | Number of exposures total [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
nexpb1 | Number of exposures in B1 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
nexpb2 | Number of exposures in B2 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
nexpr1 | Number of exposures in R1 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
nexpr2 | Number of exposures in R2 spectrograph [from spPlate header] | SMALLINT |
ngalaxy | Number of objects classified as galaxy [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
nguide | Number of guider camera frames taken during the exposure [from spPlate header] | INTEGER |
nqso | Number of objects classified as QSO [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
nsky | Number of sky objects [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
nstar | Number of objects classified as Star [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
ntotal | Number of objects total [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
nturnoff | Number of MS turnoff stars on plate | INTEGER |
nunknown | Number of objects with zWarning set non-zero (such objects still classified as star, galaxy or QSO) [calculated from spZbest file] | INTEGER |
plate | Plate number | SMALLINT |
plateid | Unique ID, composite of plate number and MJD | BIGINT |
platequality | Characterization of plate quality | CHAR |
platerun | Drilling run for plate [from platelist product] | CHAR |
platesn2 | Overall signal to noise measure for plate (only set for SDSS plates) | REAL |
plugfile | Full name of mapping file [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
programname | Name of program [from platelist product] | CHAR |
qualitycomments | Comments on reason for plate quality | CHAR |
ra | RA, J2000 [from spPlate header] | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rioffgal | Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rioffstd | Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rirmsgal | Standard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rirmsstd | Standard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rmsoff20 | 20th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rmsoff50 | 50th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rmsoff80 | 80th-percentile of RMS offset of guide fibers (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
roffgal | Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
roffstd | Mean r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rrmsgal | Standard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for galaxies [from spPlate header] | REAL |
rrmsstd | Standard deviation of r-band mag difference (spectro - photo) for standards [from spPlate header] | REAL |
run1d | 1D reduction rerun of plate | CHAR |
run2d | 2D reduction rerun of plate | CHAR |
runsspp | SSPP reduction rerun of plate ("none" if not run) | CHAR |
seeing20 | 20th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
seeing50 | 50th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
seeing80 | 80th-percentile of seeing during exposure (arcsec) [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sfd_used | Were the SFD dust maps applied to the output spectrum? (0 = no, 1 = yes) | SMALLINT |
skychi2 | average chi-squared from sky subtraction from all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
skychi2max | maximum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
skychi2min | minimum skyChi2 over all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn1_g | (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn1_i | (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn1_r | (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #1 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn2_g | (S/N)^2 at g=20.20 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn2_i | (S/N)^2 at i=19.90 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
sn2_r | (S/N)^2 at r=20.25 for spectrograph #2 [from spPlate header] | REAL |
snturnoff | Signal to noise measure for MS turnoff stars on plate (-9999 if not appropriate) | REAL |
status1d | Status of 1D reductions | CHAR |
status2d | Status of 2D extraction | CHAR |
statuscombine | Status of combination of multiple MJDs | CHAR |
survey | Name of survey [from platelist product] | CHAR |
tai | Mean time (TAI) [from spPlate header] | DOUBLE |
taibegin | Beginning time (TAI) [from spPlate header] | DOUBLE |
taiend | Ending time (TAI) [from spPlate header] | DOUBLE |
taihms | Time in string format [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
theta | cartridge position angle [from plPlugMapM file] | REAL |
tile | Tile number for SDSS-I, -II plates (-1 for SDSS-III) [from platelist product] | SMALLINT |
timesys | Time System [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
vers1d | idlspec2d version used during redshift fitting [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
vers2d | idlspec2d version used during 2d reduction [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
verscomb | idlspec2d version used during combination of multiple exposures [from spPlate header] | CHAR |
wsigma | sigma of gaussian fit to arc-line profiles in wavelength direction [from spPlate header] | REAL |
wsigmax | maximum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
wsigmin | minimum of wSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
xchi2 | [from spPlate header] | REAL |
xchi2max | [from spPlate header] | REAL |
xchi2min | [from spPlate header] | REAL |
xsigma | sigma of gaussian fit to spatial profile[from spPlate header] | REAL |
xsigmax | maximum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |
xsigmin | minimum of xSigma for all exposures [from spPlate header] | REAL |