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Table: sdss_dr16.spiders_quasar
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
class_best | Source classification based on the visual inspection results. | CHAR |
conf_best | Visual inspection redshift and classification confidence flag. | BIGINT |
dec | Declination of the X-ray detection (J2000; Saxton et al. 2008, Boller et al. 2016). | DOUBLE |
detml_xmmsl2 | Detection likelihood of the XMMSL2 detection in the 0.2-12 keV range (Saxton et al. 2008). | DOUBLE |
dr16_plugdec | Declination of the drilled fiber position. | DOUBLE |
dr16_plugra | Right ascension of the drilled fiber position. | DOUBLE |
dr16_run2d | Spectroscopic reprocessing number. | CHAR |
dr16_snmedianall | Median signal to noise ratio per pixel of the spectrum. | DOUBLE |
dr16_zwarning | Warning flag for SDSS spectra. | BIGINT |
edd_ratio1 | Eddington ratio defined as l_bol1/l_edd1. | DOUBLE |
edd_ratio2 | Eddington ratio defined as l_bol2/l_edd2. | DOUBLE |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
erredd_ratio1 | Uncertainty in the Eddington ratio defined as l_bol1/l_edd1. | DOUBLE |
erredd_ratio2 | Uncertainty in the Eddington ratio defined as l_bol2/l_edd2. | DOUBLE |
errf_bay_2rxs | Uncertainty in the Bayesian flux in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errf_class_2rxs | Uncertainty in the classical flux in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errf_xmmsl2 | Uncertainty in the flux in the 0.2-12 keV range (XMMSL2; Saxton et al. (2008)). | DOUBLE |
errfwhm1_hb | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm1_mgii | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm1_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm1_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm2_hb | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm2_mgii | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm2_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm2_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm3_hb | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm3_mgii | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm4_hb | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm_feii1 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the Gaussian kernel convolved with the iron template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm_feii2 | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the Gaussian kernel convolved with the iron template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errfwhm_heii | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
errl2kev_bay_2rxs | Uncertainty in the Bayesian monochromatic luminosity at rest-frame 2 keV (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errl2kev_class_2rxs | Uncertainty in the classical monochromatic luminosity at rest-frame 2 keV (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errl_2500 | Uncertainty in the monochromatic luminosity at 2500 Ang. | DOUBLE |
errl_3000 | Uncertainty in the monochromatic luminosity at 3000 Ang. | DOUBLE |
errl_5100 | Uncertainty in the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Ang. | DOUBLE |
errl_bay_2rxs | Uncertainty in the Bayesian luminosity in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (derived from errf_bay_2RXS; no k-correction applied) (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errl_bol1 | Uncertainty in the bolometric luminosity derived from the monochromatic luminosity at 3000 Ang. | DOUBLE |
errl_bol2 | Uncertainty in the bolometric luminosity derived from the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Ang. | DOUBLE |
errl_class_2rxs | Uncertainty in the classical luminosity in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (derived from errf_class_2RXS; no k-correction applied) (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
errl_edd1 | Uncertainty in the Eddington luminosity based on the black hole mass estimate derived using the Shen & Liu (2012) calibration. | DOUBLE |
errl_edd2 | Uncertainty in the Eddington luminosity based on the black hole mass estimate derived using the Assef et al. (2011) calibration. | DOUBLE |
errl_xmmsl2 | Uncertainty in the luminosity in the 0.2-12 keV range (derived from errf_XMMSL2; no k-correction applied) (XMMSL2). | DOUBLE |
errlogbhma_hb | Uncertainty in the black hole mass derived from the H beta line using the Assef et al. (2011) calibration. | DOUBLE |
errlogbhms_mgii | Uncertainty in the black hole mass derived from the MgII line using the Shen & Liu (2012) calibration. | DOUBLE |
errlogbhmvp_hb | Uncertainty in the black hole mass derived from the H beta line using the Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) calibration. | DOUBLE |
errnorm1_hb | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm1_mgii | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm1_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm1_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm2_hb | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm2_mgii | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm2_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm2_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm3_hb | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm3_mgii | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm4_hb | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_feii1 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the iron template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_feii2 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the iron template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_gal1 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the galaxy template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_gal2 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the galaxy template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_heii | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_pl1 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the power law fit to the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errnorm_pl2 | Uncertainty in the normalisation of the power law fit to the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errpeak1_hb | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak1_mgii | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak1_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak1_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak2_hb | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak2_mgii | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak2_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak2_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak3_hb | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak3_mgii | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak4_hb | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errpeak_heii | Uncertainty in the wavelength of the peak of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
errslope_pl1 | Uncertainty in the slope of the power law fit to the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errslope_pl2 | Uncertainty in the slope of the power law fit to the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
errvirialfwhm_hb | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the H beta broad line profile. | DOUBLE |
errvirialfwhm_mgii | Uncertainty in the FWHM of the MgII broad line profile. | DOUBLE |
errwidth1_hb | Uncertainty in the width of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth1_mgii | Uncertainty in the width of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth1_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the width of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth1_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the width of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth2_hb | Uncertainty in the width of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth2_mgii | Uncertainty in the width of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth2_oiii4959 | Uncertainty in the width of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth2_oiii5007 | Uncertainty in the width of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth3_hb | Uncertainty in the width of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth3_mgii | Uncertainty in the width of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth4_hb | Uncertainty in the width of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
errwidth_heii | Uncertainty in the width of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
eximl_2rxs | Existence likelihood of the 2RXS X-ray detection (Boller et al. 2016). | DOUBLE |
exptime_2rxs | Exposure time of the 2RXS X-ray detection (Boller et al. 2016). | REAL |
exptime_xmmsl2 | Exposure time of the XMMSL2 X-ray detection (Saxton et al. 2008). | DOUBLE |
f_bay_2rxs | Bayesian flux in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
f_class_2rxs | Classical flux in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
f_xmmsl2 | Flux in the 0.2-12 keV range (XMMSL2; Saxton et al. 2008). | DOUBLE |
fiberid | SDSS fiber identification. | SMALLINT |
flag_abs | Flag indicating whether or not strong absorption lines have been observed in the spectrum. flag_abs is set to either 0 (spectrum not inspected for absorption lines/no absorption present) or 1 (absorption present). | INTEGER |
fwhm1_hb | FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm1_mgii | FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm1_oiii4959 | FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm1_oiii5007 | FWHM of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm2_hb | FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm2_mgii | FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm2_oiii4959 | FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm2_oiii5007 | FWHM of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm3_hb | FWHM of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm3_mgii | FWHM of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm4_hb | FWHM of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
fwhm_feii1 | FWHM of the Gaussian kernel convolved with the iron template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
fwhm_feii2 | FWHM of the Gaussian kernel convolved with the iron template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
fwhm_heii | FWHM of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
glat | Galactic Latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic Longitude | DOUBLE |
hb_chi | Reduced chi-squared of the fit to the H beta region. | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
instrument | Flag indicating which spectrograph was used (SDSS or BOSS) to measure the spectrum. | CHAR |
l2kev_bay_2rxs | Bayesian monochromatic luminosity at rest-frame 2 keV (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
l2kev_class_2rxs | Classical monochromatic luminosity at rest-frame 2 keV (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
l_2500 | Monochromatic luminosity at 2500 Ang. | DOUBLE |
l_3000 | Monochromatic luminosity at 3000 Ang. | DOUBLE |
l_5100 | Monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Ang. | DOUBLE |
l_bay_2rxs | Bayesian luminosity in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (derived from f_bay_2RXS; no k-correction applied) (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
l_bol1 | Bolometric luminosity derived from the monochromatic luminosity at 3000 Ang. | DOUBLE |
l_bol2 | Bolometric luminosity derived from the monochromatic luminosity at 5100 Ang. | DOUBLE |
l_class_2rxs | Classical luminosity in the observed-frame 0.1-2.4 keV range (derived from f_class_2RXS; no k-correction applied) (2RXS). | DOUBLE |
l_edd1 | Eddington luminosity based on the black hole mass estimate derived using the Shen & Liu (2012) calibration. | DOUBLE |
l_edd2 | Eddington luminosity based on the black hole mass estimate derived using the Assef et al. (2011) calibration. | DOUBLE |
l_xmmsl2 | Luminosity in the 0.2-12 keV range (derived from f_XMMSL2; no k-correction applied) (XMMSL2). | DOUBLE |
logbhma_hb | Black hole mass derived from the H beta line using the Assef et al. (2011) calibration. | DOUBLE |
logbhms_mgii | Black hole mass derived from the MgII line using the Shen & Liu (2012) calibration. | DOUBLE |
logbhmvp_hb | Black hole mass derived from the H beta line using the Vestergaard & Peterson (2006) calibration. | DOUBLE |
mgii_chi | Reduced chi-squared of the fit to the MgII region. | DOUBLE |
mjd | MJD that the SDSS spectrum was taken. | INTEGER |
name | Name of the X-ray detection (Saxton et al. 2008, Boller et al. 2016). | CHAR |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
norm1_hb | Normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
norm1_mgii | Normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
norm1_oiii4959 | Normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
norm1_oiii5007 | Normalisation of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
norm2_hb | Normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
norm2_mgii | Normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
norm2_oiii4959 | Normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
norm2_oiii5007 | Normalisation of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
norm3_hb | Normalisation of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
norm3_mgii | Normalisation of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
norm4_hb | Normalisation of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
norm_feii1 | Normalisation of the iron template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
norm_feii2 | Normalisation of the iron template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
norm_gal1 | Normalisation of the galaxy template used to fit the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
norm_gal2 | Normalisation of the galaxy template used to fit the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
norm_heii | Normalisation of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
norm_pl1 | Normalisation of the power law fit to the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
norm_pl2 | Normalisation of the power law fit to the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
oiii_hbeta_ratio | Flux ratio of [OIII]5007 Ang to H beta. | DOUBLE |
peak1_hb | Wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
peak1_mgii | Wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
peak1_oiii4959 | Wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
peak1_oiii5007 | Wavelength of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
peak2_hb | Wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
peak2_mgii | Wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
peak2_oiii4959 | Wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
peak2_oiii5007 | Wavelength of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
peak3_hb | Wavelength of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
peak3_mgii | Wavelength of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
peak4_hb | Wavelength of the peak of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
peak_heii | Wavelength of the peak of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
plate | SDSS plate number. | SMALLINT |
r_feii | Flux ratio of the 4434-4684 Ang FeII emission to the broad component of H beta. | DOUBLE |
ra | Right ascension of the X-ray detection (J2000; Saxton et al. 2008, Boller et al. 2016). | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
redshift | Source redshift based on the visual inspection results. | DOUBLE |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
sdss_joinid | Unique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releases | BIGINT |
shift1_hb | Wavelength shift of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift1_mgii | Wavelength shift of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift1_oiii4959 | Wavelength shift of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift1_oiii5007 | Wavelength shift of the peak of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift2_hb | Wavelength shift of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift2_mgii | Wavelength shift of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift2_oiii4959 | Wavelength shift of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift2_oiii5007 | Wavelength shift of the peak of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift3_hb | Wavelength shift of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift3_mgii | Wavelength shift of the peak of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift4_hb | Wavelength shift of the peak of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
shift_heii | Wavelength shift of the peak of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line relative to the rest-frame wavelength. | DOUBLE |
slope_pl1 | Slope of the power law fit to the MgII continuum region. | DOUBLE |
slope_pl2 | Slope of the power law fit to the H beta continuum region. | DOUBLE |
specobjid | Unique database ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID, RUN2D | BIGINT |
virialfwhm_hb | FWHM of the H beta broad line profile. | DOUBLE |
virialfwhm_mgii | FWHM of the MgII broad line profile. | DOUBLE |
width1_hb | Width of the first Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
width1_mgii | Width of the first Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
width1_oiii4959 | Width of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
width1_oiii5007 | Width of the first Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
width2_hb | Width of the second Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
width2_mgii | Width of the second Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
width2_oiii4959 | Width of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]4959 line. | DOUBLE |
width2_oiii5007 | Width of the second Gaussian used to fit the [OIII]5007 line. | DOUBLE |
width3_hb | Width of the third Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
width3_mgii | Width of the third Gaussian used to fit the MgII line. | DOUBLE |
width4_hb | Width of the fourth Gaussian used to fit the H beta line. | DOUBLE |
width_heii | Width of the Gaussian used to fit the HeII line. | DOUBLE |
xray_detection | Flag indicating whether the X-ray source was detected in the 2RXS or XMMSL2 survey. | CHAR |