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Table: sdss_dr17.apogee2_allstar
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ak_wiseKs-band extinction based on WISE all-sky release photometryDOUBLE
al_fe[Al/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
al_fe_err[Al/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
al_fe_flagFlag on [Al/Fe]SMALLINT
al_fe_spec[Al/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
alpha_mLog of [alpha/M] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from PARAM)REAL
alpha_m_err[alpha/M] UncertaintyREAL
altidAlternative ID for non-2MASS sourcesVARCHAR
andflagFlag for star condition taken from bitwise AND of individual visitsINTEGER
apogee2_target1Bitwise OR of first APOGEE-2 target flag of all visitBIGINT
apogee2_target2Bitwise OR of first APOGEE-2 target flag of all visitsBIGINT
apogee2_target3Bitwise OR of first APOGEE-2 target flag of all visitsBIGINT
apogee_id2MASS-style object name (mainly but not only 2MHHMMSSss+DDMMSSs or APHHMMSSss+DDMMSSs)VARCHAR
apogee_target1Bitwise OR of first APOGEE-1 target flag of all visitsINTEGER
apogee_target2Bitwise OR of first APOGEE-1 target flag of all visitsBIGINT
apstar_idUnique apStar identifierVARCHAR
ascap_idUnique ASCAP identifierVARCHAR
aspcap_flagFlag for ASPCAP analysisBIGINT
aspcap_gridASPCAP grid of best-fitting spectrumVARCHAR
c_fe[C/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
c_fe_err[C/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
c_fe_flagFlag on [C/Fe]SMALLINT
c_fe_spec[C/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ca_fe[Ca/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ca_fe_err[Ca/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ca_fe_flagFlag on [Ca/Fe]SMALLINT
ca_fe_spec[Ca/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ce_fe[Ce/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ce_fe_err[Ce/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ce_fe_flagFlag on [Ce/Fe]SMALLINT
ce_fe_spec[Ce/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
chi2Chi2 from ASPCAP fitDOUBLE
ci_fe[Ci/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ci_fe_err[Ci/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ci_fe_flagFlag on [Ci/Fe]SMALLINT
ci_fe_spec[Ci/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
co_fe[Co/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
co_fe_err[Co/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
co_fe_flagFlag on [Co/Fe]SMALLINT
co_fe_spec[Co/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
cr_fe[Cr/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
cr_fe_err[Cr/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
cr_fe_flagFlag on [Cr/Fe]SMALLINT
cr_fe_spec[Cr/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ddo51DDO51 magnitudeDOUBLE
ddo51_errDDO51 photometric uncertaintyDOUBLE
e_logglogg uncertaintyREAL
e_teffTeff uncertaintyREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
extratarg_flagBitmask which identifies main survey targets (=0) and other classesSMALLINT
fe_h[Fe/H] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
fe_h_err[Fe/H] UncertaintyREAL
fe_h_flagFlag on [Fe/H]SMALLINT
fe_h_spec[Fe/H] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
fieldField nameVARCHAR
frac_badpixFraction of bad pixels in spectrumDOUBLE
frac_lowsnrFraction of low S/N pixels in spectrumDOUBLE
frac_sigskyFraction of SIG_SKYLINE pixels in spectrumDOUBLE
gaiaedr3_source_idGAIA source ID from GAIA EDR3BIGINT
giantLuminosity class classification derived from Wash+DDO51 data (1=giant, 0=dwarf, -1=no data)SMALLINT
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
hmag2MASS H magnitudeREAL
hmag_err2MASS H magnitude uncertainty (if hmag_src=2MASS)REAL
hmag_srcSource of H magnitudeVARCHAR
hmaxFaint H limit for target selection for this objectREAL
hminBright H limit for target selection for this objectREAL
hrvAverage solar system barycentric radial velocity, weighted by S/NDOUBLE
hrv_errUncertainty in VHELIO_AVG from the S/N-weighted individual RVsDOUBLE
hrv_scatterScatter of individual visit RVs around averageDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
irac_3_6magIRAC 3.6 micron magnitudeDOUBLE
irac_3_6mag_errIRAC 3.6 micron total uncertaintyDOUBLE
irac_4_5magIRAC 4.5 micron magnitudeDOUBLE
irac_4_5mag_errIRAC 4.5 micron total uncertaintyDOUBLE
irac_5_8magIRAC 5.8 micron magnitudeDOUBLE
irac_5_8mag_errIRAC 5.8 micron total uncertaintyDOUBLE
irac_8_0magIRAC 8.0 micron magnitudeDOUBLE
irac_8_0mag_errIRAC 8.0 micron total uncertaintyDOUBLE
jmag2MASS J magnitudeREAL
jmag_err2MASS J magnitude uncertaintyREAL
k_fe[K/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
k_fe_err[K/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
k_fe_flagFlag on [K/Fe]SMALLINT
k_fe_spec[K/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ksmag2MASS Ks magnitudeREAL
ksmag_err2MASS Ks magnitude uncertaintyREAL
location_idField location IDSMALLINT
loggLog of surface gravity from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from PARAM)REAL
logg_specASPCAP spectroscopic surface gravityREAL
m_hLog of [Z/H] from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from PARAM)REAL
m_h_err[M/H] UncertaintyREAL
max_jkRed (J-K) limit for target selection for this objectREAL
meanfibMean fiber number of the set of observationsREAL
meanfib_errDispersion in fiber numberREAL
memberParent identifier for likely membersVARCHAR
mg_fe[Mg/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
mg_fe_err[Mg/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
mg_fe_flagFlag on [Mg/Fe]SMALLINT
mg_fe_spec[Mg/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
min_jkBlue (J-K) limit for target selection for this objectREAL
mmagWashington M magnitudeDOUBLE
mmag_errWashington M photometric uncertaintyDOUBLE
mn_fe[Mn/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
mn_fe_err[Mn/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
mn_fe_flagFlag on [Mn/Fe]SMALLINT
mn_fe_spec[Mn/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
n_fe[N/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
n_fe_err[N/Fe] UncertaintyDOUBLE
n_fe_flagFlag on [N/Fe]SMALLINT
n_fe_spec[N/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
na_fe[Na/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
na_fe_err[Na/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
na_fe_flagFlag on [Na/Fe]SMALLINT
na_fe_spec[Na/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ncompNumber of components identified from RV cross-correlationsSMALLINT
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nside 4096, Ring scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
ni_fe[Ni/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ni_fe_err[Ni/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ni_fe_flagFlag on [Ni/Fe]SMALLINT
ni_fe_spec[Ni/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
nvisNumber of visits into combined spectrumSMALLINT
o_fe[O/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
o_fe_err[O/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
o_fe_flagFlag on [O/Fe]SMALLINT
o_fe_spec[O/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
progProgram name associated with object, when availableVARCHAR
raRight ascensionDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nside 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rv_autofwhmFWHM of auto-correlation of best-match synthetic spectrumDOUBLE
rv_ccfwhmFWHM of cross-correlation peak from combined vs best-match synthetic spectrumDOUBLE
rv_chi2Chi2 from RV fitDOUBLE
rv_feh[Fe/H] of best-fit synthetic spectrum from RV fit (NOT ASPCAP!)REAL
rv_flagBitmask for RV determinationSMALLINT
rv_loggLogg of best-fit synthetic spectrum from RV fit (NOT ASPCAP!)DOUBLE
rv_teffTeff of best-fit synthetic spectrum from RV fit (NOT ASPCAP!)DOUBLE
s_fe[S/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
s_fe_err[S/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
s_fe_flagFlag on [S/Fe]SMALLINT
s_fe_spec[S/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
sfd_ebvE(B-V) at objects position in the Schlegel, Finkbeiner, & Davis (1998) mapsREAL
si_fe[Si/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
si_fe_err[Si/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
si_fe_flagFlag on [Si/Fe]SMALLINT
si_fe_spec[Si/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
snrSignal-to-noise ratio estimateDOUBLE
snrevRevised S/N estimate (avoiding persistence issues)DOUBLE
starStellar likelihood based on Washington+DDO51 data (0=extended, 1=star-like or no data)SMALLINT
starflagFlag for star condition taken from bitwise OR of individual visitsINTEGER
surveySurvey-associated with object: apogee, apo1m, apogee-marvels, apogee2, apogee2-manga, manga-apogee2VARCHAR
t2magWashington T2 magnitudeDOUBLE
t2mag_errWashington T2 photometric uncertaintyDOUBLE
targ_4_5mag4.5 micron magnitude used for target selectionDOUBLE
targ_4_5mag_errPhotometric uncertainty of 4.5 micron magnitude used for target selectionDOUBLE
targ_akKs-band extinction used for target selectionDOUBLE
targ_ak_methodMethod to calculate Ks-band extinction used for target selection (RJCE_IRAC, RJCE_WISE_ALLSKY, RJCE_WISE_PARTSKY, RJCE_WISE_OPS2, RJCE_WISE_OPS, SFD_EBV, NONE)VARCHAR
targ_pm_srcSource of proper motion dataVARCHAR
targ_pmdecDEC proper motion used for targetingDOUBLE
targ_pmraRA proper motion used for targetingDOUBLE
target_idTarget identifierVARCHAR
teffEffective temperature from ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from PARAM)REAL
teff_specASPCAP spectroscopic TeffREAL
telescopeTelescope used for observation (apo25m, lco25m, apo1m)VARCHAR
ti_fe[Ti/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ti_fe_err[Ti/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ti_fe_flagFlag on [Ti/Fe]SMALLINT
ti_fe_spec[Ti/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
ti_ii_fe[TiII/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
ti_ii_fe_err[TiII/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
ti_ii_fe_flagFlag on [TiII/Fe]SMALLINT
ti_ii_fe_spec[TiII/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
v_fe[V/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from X_M)REAL
v_fe_err[V/Fe] UncertaintyREAL
v_fe_flagFlag on [V/Fe]SMALLINT
v_fe_spec[V/Fe] From ASPCAP analysis of combined spectrum (from XMSPEC)REAL
vmacroMacroturbulent velocity; f(log Teff, [M/H]) for giantsDOUBLE
vmicroMicroturbulent velocity; fit for dwarfs, f(logg) for giantsDOUBLE
vsiniRotational+macroturbulent velocity; fit for dwarfsDOUBLE
wise_4_5magWISE all-sky release 4.5 micron magnitudeDOUBLE
wise_4_5mag_errWISE all-sky release 4.5 micron photometric uncertaintyDOUBLE