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Table: sdss_dr17.photoplate
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass_g | Airmass at time of observation in g-band | REAL |
airmass_i | Airmass at time of observation in i-band | REAL |
airmass_r | Airmass at time of observation in r-band | REAL |
airmass_u | Airmass at time of observation in u-band | REAL |
airmass_z | Airmass at time of observation in z-band | REAL |
aperflux7_g | Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7_i | Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7_r | Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7_u | Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7_z | Aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7ivar_g | Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7ivar_i | Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7ivar_r | Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7ivar_u | Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
aperflux7ivar_z | Inverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsec | REAL |
b | Galactic latitude | DOUBLE |
balkanid | What balkan object is in from window | INTEGER |
calibstatus_g | Calibration status in g-band | INTEGER |
calibstatus_i | Calibration status in i-band | INTEGER |
calibstatus_r | Calibration status in r-band | INTEGER |
calibstatus_u | Calibration status in u-band | INTEGER |
calibstatus_z | Calibration status in z-band | INTEGER |
camcol | Camera column | SMALLINT |
clean | Clean photometry flag for point sources (1=clean, 0=unclean). | INTEGER |
cloudcam_g | Cloud camera status for observation in g-band | INTEGER |
cloudcam_i | Cloud camera status for observation in i-band | INTEGER |
cloudcam_r | Cloud camera status for observation in r-band | INTEGER |
cloudcam_u | Cloud camera status for observation in u-band | INTEGER |
cloudcam_z | Cloud camera status for observation in z-band | INTEGER |
cmodelflux_g | better of DeV+Exp flux | REAL |
cmodelflux_i | better of DeV+Exp flux | REAL |
cmodelflux_r | better of DeV+Exp flux | REAL |
cmodelflux_u | better of DeV+Exp flux | REAL |
cmodelflux_z | better of DeV+Exp flux | REAL |
cmodelfluxivar_g | Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit | REAL |
cmodelfluxivar_i | Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit | REAL |
cmodelfluxivar_r | Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit | REAL |
cmodelfluxivar_u | Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit | REAL |
cmodelfluxivar_z | Inverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fit | REAL |
cmodelmag_g | DeV+Exp magnitude | REAL |
cmodelmag_i | DeV+Exp magnitude | REAL |
cmodelmag_r | DeV+Exp magnitude | REAL |
cmodelmag_u | DeV+Exp magnitude | REAL |
cmodelmag_z | DeV+Exp magnitude | REAL |
cmodelmagerr_g | DeV+Exp magnitude error | REAL |
cmodelmagerr_i | DeV+Exp magnitude error | REAL |
cmodelmagerr_r | DeV+Exp magnitude error | REAL |
cmodelmagerr_u | DeV+Exp magnitude error | REAL |
cmodelmagerr_z | DeV+Exp magnitude error | REAL |
colc | Column center position (r-band coordinates) | REAL |
colc_g | Column center, g-band | REAL |
colc_i | Column center, i-band | REAL |
colc_r | Column center, r-band | REAL |
colc_u | Column center, u-band | REAL |
colc_z | Column center, z-band | REAL |
colcerr | Column center position error (r-band coordinates) | REAL |
colcerr_g | Column center error, g-band | REAL |
colcerr_i | Column center error, i-band | REAL |
colcerr_r | Column center error, r-band | REAL |
colcerr_u | Column center error, u-band | REAL |
colcerr_z | Column center error, z-band | REAL |
colv | Column-component of object velocity | REAL |
colverr | Column-component of object velocity error | REAL |
cx | unit vector for ra+dec | DOUBLE |
cy | unit vector for ra+dec | DOUBLE |
cz | unit vector for ra+dec | DOUBLE |
dec | J2000 Declination (r-band) | DOUBLE |
decerr | Error in Dec | DOUBLE |
dered_g | Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction | REAL |
dered_i | Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction | REAL |
dered_r | Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction | REAL |
dered_u | Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction | REAL |
dered_z | Simplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinction | REAL |
devab_g | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b | REAL |
devab_i | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b | REAL |
devab_r | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b | REAL |
devab_u | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b | REAL |
devab_z | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b | REAL |
devaberr_g | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error | REAL |
devaberr_i | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error | REAL |
devaberr_r | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error | REAL |
devaberr_u | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error | REAL |
devaberr_z | de Vaucouleurs fit a/b error | REAL |
devflux_g | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devflux_i | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devflux_r | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devflux_u | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devflux_z | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devfluxivar_g | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance | REAL |
devfluxivar_i | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance | REAL |
devfluxivar_r | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance | REAL |
devfluxivar_u | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance | REAL |
devfluxivar_z | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse variance | REAL |
devmag_g | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devmag_i | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devmag_r | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devmag_u | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devmag_z | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit | REAL |
devmagerr_g | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error | REAL |
devmagerr_i | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error | REAL |
devmagerr_r | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error | REAL |
devmagerr_u | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error | REAL |
devmagerr_z | de Vaucouleurs magnitude fit error | REAL |
devphi_g | de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
devphi_i | de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
devphi_r | de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
devphi_u | de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
devphi_z | de Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
devrad_g | de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius | REAL |
devrad_i | de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius | REAL |
devrad_r | de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius | REAL |
devrad_u | de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius | REAL |
devrad_z | de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius | REAL |
devraderr_g | Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error | REAL |
devraderr_i | Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error | REAL |
devraderr_r | Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error | REAL |
devraderr_u | Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error | REAL |
devraderr_z | Error in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius error | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic Latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic Longitude | DOUBLE |
err_g | Error in modelMag alias | REAL |
err_i | Error in modelMag alias | REAL |
err_r | Error in modelMag alias | REAL |
err_u | Error in modelMag alias | REAL |
err_z | Error in modelMag alias | REAL |
expab_g | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expab_i | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expab_r | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expab_u | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expab_z | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expaberr_g | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expaberr_i | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expaberr_r | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expaberr_u | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expaberr_z | Exponential fit a/b | REAL |
expflux_g | Exponential fit flux | REAL |
expflux_i | Exponential fit flux | REAL |
expflux_r | Exponential fit flux | REAL |
expflux_u | Exponential fit flux | REAL |
expflux_z | Exponential fit flux | REAL |
expfluxivar_g | Exponential fit flux inverse variance | REAL |
expfluxivar_i | Exponential fit flux inverse variance | REAL |
expfluxivar_r | Exponential fit flux inverse variance | REAL |
expfluxivar_u | Exponential fit flux inverse variance | REAL |
expfluxivar_z | Exponential fit flux inverse variance | REAL |
expmag_g | Exponential fit magnitude | REAL |
expmag_i | Exponential fit magnitude | REAL |
expmag_r | Exponential fit magnitude | REAL |
expmag_u | Exponential fit magnitude | REAL |
expmag_z | Exponential fit magnitude | REAL |
expmagerr_g | Exponential fit magnitude error | REAL |
expmagerr_i | Exponential fit magnitude error | REAL |
expmagerr_r | Exponential fit magnitude error | REAL |
expmagerr_u | Exponential fit magnitude error | REAL |
expmagerr_z | Exponential fit magnitude error | REAL |
expphi_g | Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
expphi_i | Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
expphi_r | Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
expphi_u | Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
expphi_z | Exponential fit position angle (+N thru E) | REAL |
exprad_g | Exponential fit scale radius | REAL |
exprad_i | Exponential fit scale radius | REAL |
exprad_r | Exponential fit scale radius | REAL |
exprad_u | Exponential fit scale radius | REAL |
exprad_z | Exponential fit scale radius | REAL |
expraderr_g | Exponential fit scale radius error | REAL |
expraderr_i | Exponential fit scale radius error | REAL |
expraderr_r | Exponential fit scale radius error | REAL |
expraderr_u | Exponential fit scale radius error | REAL |
expraderr_z | Exponential fit scale radius error | REAL |
extinction_g | Extinction in g-band | REAL |
extinction_i | Extinction in i-band | REAL |
extinction_r | Extinction in r-band | REAL |
extinction_u | Extinction in u-band | REAL |
extinction_z | Extinction in z-band | REAL |
fiber2flux_g | Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2flux_i | Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2flux_r | Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2flux_u | Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2flux_z | Flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2fluxivar_g | Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2fluxivar_i | Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2fluxivar_r | Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2fluxivar_u | Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2fluxivar_z | Inverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2mag_g | Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2mag_i | Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2mag_r | Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2mag_u | Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2mag_z | Magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2magerr_g | Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2magerr_i | Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2magerr_r | Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2magerr_u | Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiber2magerr_z | Error in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberflux_g | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberflux_i | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberflux_r | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberflux_u | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberflux_z | Flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberfluxivar_g | Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberfluxivar_i | Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberfluxivar_r | Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberfluxivar_u | Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fiberfluxivar_z | Inverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermag_g | Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermag_i | Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermag_r | Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermag_u | Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermag_z | Magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermagerr_g | Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermagerr_i | Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermagerr_r | Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermagerr_u | Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
fibermagerr_z | Error in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radius | REAL |
field | Field number | SMALLINT |
fieldid | Link to the field this object is in | BIGINT |
flags | Photo Object Attribute Flags | BIGINT |
flags_g | Object detection flags per band | BIGINT |
flags_i | Object detection flags per band | BIGINT |
flags_r | Object detection flags per band | BIGINT |
flags_u | Object detection flags per band | BIGINT |
flags_z | Object detection flags per band | BIGINT |
fracdev_g | Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model | REAL |
fracdev_i | Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model | REAL |
fracdev_r | Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model | REAL |
fracdev_u | Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model | REAL |
fracdev_z | Weight of deV component in deV+Exp model | REAL |
g | Shorthand alias for modelMag | REAL |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
i | Shorthand alias for modelMag | REAL |
l | Galactic longitude | DOUBLE |
lnldev_g | de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnldev_i | de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnldev_r | de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnldev_u | de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnldev_z | de Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlexp_g | Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlexp_i | Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlexp_r | Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlexp_u | Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlexp_z | Exponential disk fit ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlstar_g | Star ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlstar_i | Star ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlstar_r | Star ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlstar_u | Star ln(likelihood) | REAL |
lnlstar_z | Star ln(likelihood) | REAL |
mcr4_g | Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4_i | Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4_r | Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4_u | Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4_z | Adaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4psf_g | Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4psf_i | Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4psf_r | Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4psf_u | Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mcr4psf_z | Adaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1_g | Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1_i | Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1_r | Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1_u | Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1_z | Adaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e1err_g | Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e1err_i | Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e1err_r | Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e1err_u | Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e1err_z | Covariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e2err_g | Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e2err_i | Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e2err_r | Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e2err_u | Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1e2err_z | Covariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1psf_g | Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1psf_i | Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1psf_r | Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1psf_u | Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me1psf_z | Adaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2_g | Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2_i | Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2_r | Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2_u | Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2_z | Adaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2e2err_g | Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2e2err_i | Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2e2err_r | Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2e2err_u | Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2e2err_z | Covariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2psf_g | Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2psf_i | Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2psf_r | Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2psf_u | Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
me2psf_z | Adaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mjd | Date of observation | INTEGER |
mode | 1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: other | SMALLINT |
modelflux_g | better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelflux_i | better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelflux_r | better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelflux_u | better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelflux_z | better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelfluxivar_g | Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelfluxivar_i | Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelfluxivar_r | Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelfluxivar_u | Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelfluxivar_z | Inverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fit | REAL |
modelmag_g | better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmag_i | better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmag_r | better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmag_u | better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmag_z | better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmagerr_g | Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmagerr_i | Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmagerr_r | Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmagerr_u | Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
modelmagerr_z | Error in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fit | REAL |
mrrcc_g | Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrcc_i | Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrcc_r | Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrcc_u | Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrcc_z | Adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccerr_g | Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccerr_i | Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccerr_r | Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccerr_u | Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccerr_z | Error in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccpsf_g | Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccpsf_i | Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccpsf_r | Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccpsf_u | Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
mrrccpsf_z | Adaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates) | REAL |
nchild | Number of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling. | SMALLINT |
ndetect | Number of detections of this object | INTEGER |
nedge | Number of observations of this object near an edge | INTEGER |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size | INTEGER |
nmgypercount_g | nanomaggies per count in g-band | REAL |
nmgypercount_i | nanomaggies per count in i-band | REAL |
nmgypercount_r | nanomaggies per count in r-band | REAL |
nmgypercount_u | nanomaggies per count in u-band | REAL |
nmgypercount_z | nanomaggies per count in z-band | REAL |
nobserve | Number of observations of this object | INTEGER |
nprof_g | Number of Profile Bins | INTEGER |
nprof_i | Number of Profile Bins | INTEGER |
nprof_r | Number of Profile Bins | INTEGER |
nprof_u | Number of Profile Bins | INTEGER |
nprof_z | Number of Profile Bins | INTEGER |
obj | The object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same field | SMALLINT |
objid | Unique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj]. | BIGINT |
offsetdec_g | filter position Dec minus final Dec | REAL |
offsetdec_i | filter position Dec minus final Dec | REAL |
offsetdec_r | filter position Dec minus final Dec | REAL |
offsetdec_u | filter position Dec minus final Dec | REAL |
offsetdec_z | filter position Dec minus final Dec | REAL |
offsetra_g | filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | REAL |
offsetra_i | filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | REAL |
offsetra_r | filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | REAL |
offsetra_u | filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | REAL |
offsetra_z | filter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | REAL |
parentid | Pointer to parent (if object deblended) or BRIGHT detection (if object has one), else 0 | BIGINT |
petroflux_g | Petrosian flux | REAL |
petroflux_i | Petrosian flux | REAL |
petroflux_r | Petrosian flux | REAL |
petroflux_u | Petrosian flux | REAL |
petroflux_z | Petrosian flux | REAL |
petrofluxivar_g | Petrosian flux inverse variance | REAL |
petrofluxivar_i | Petrosian flux inverse variance | REAL |
petrofluxivar_r | Petrosian flux inverse variance | REAL |
petrofluxivar_u | Petrosian flux inverse variance | REAL |
petrofluxivar_z | Petrosian flux inverse variance | REAL |
petromag_g | Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
petromag_i | Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
petromag_r | Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
petromag_u | Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
petromag_z | Petrosian magnitude | REAL |
petromagerr_g | Petrosian magnitude error | REAL |
petromagerr_i | Petrosian magnitude error | REAL |
petromagerr_r | Petrosian magnitude error | REAL |
petromagerr_u | Petrosian magnitude error | REAL |
petromagerr_z | Petrosian magnitude error | REAL |
petror50_g | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror50_i | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror50_r | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror50_u | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror50_z | Radius containing 50% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror50err_g | Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror50err_i | Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror50err_r | Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror50err_u | Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror50err_z | Error in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror90_g | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror90_i | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror90_r | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror90_u | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror90_z | Radius containing 90% of Petrosian flux | REAL |
petror90err_g | Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror90err_i | Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror90err_r | Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror90err_u | Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petror90err_z | Error in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux error | REAL |
petrorad_g | Petrosian radius | REAL |
petrorad_i | Petrosian radius | REAL |
petrorad_r | Petrosian radius | REAL |
petrorad_u | Petrosian radius | REAL |
petrorad_z | Petrosian radius | REAL |
petroraderr_g | Petrosian radius error | REAL |
petroraderr_i | Petrosian radius error | REAL |
petroraderr_r | Petrosian radius error | REAL |
petroraderr_u | Petrosian radius error | REAL |
petroraderr_z | Petrosian radius error | REAL |
phioffset_g | Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N | REAL |
phioffset_i | Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N | REAL |
phioffset_r | Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N | REAL |
phioffset_u | Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N | REAL |
phioffset_z | Degrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of N | REAL |
probpsf | Probability that the object is a star. Currently 0 if type == 3 (galaxy), 1 if type == 6 (star). | REAL |
probpsf_g | Probablity object is a star in each filter. | REAL |
probpsf_i | Probablity object is a star in each filter. | REAL |
probpsf_r | Probablity object is a star in each filter. | REAL |
probpsf_u | Probablity object is a star in each filter. | REAL |
probpsf_z | Probablity object is a star in each filter. | REAL |
psfflux_g | PSF flux | REAL |
psfflux_i | PSF flux | REAL |
psfflux_r | PSF flux | REAL |
psfflux_u | PSF flux | REAL |
psfflux_z | PSF flux | REAL |
psffluxivar_g | PSF flux inverse variance | REAL |
psffluxivar_i | PSF flux inverse variance | REAL |
psffluxivar_r | PSF flux inverse variance | REAL |
psffluxivar_u | PSF flux inverse variance | REAL |
psffluxivar_z | PSF flux inverse variance | REAL |
psffwhm_g | FWHM in g-band | REAL |
psffwhm_i | FWHM in i-band | REAL |
psffwhm_r | FWHM in r-band | REAL |
psffwhm_u | FWHM in u-band | REAL |
psffwhm_z | FWHM in z-band | REAL |
psfmag_g | PSF magnitude | REAL |
psfmag_i | PSF magnitude | REAL |
psfmag_r | PSF magnitude | REAL |
psfmag_u | PSF magnitude | REAL |
psfmag_z | PSF magnitude | REAL |
psfmagerr_g | PSF magnitude error | REAL |
psfmagerr_i | PSF magnitude error | REAL |
psfmagerr_r | PSF magnitude error | REAL |
psfmagerr_u | PSF magnitude error | REAL |
psfmagerr_z | PSF magnitude error | REAL |
q_g | Stokes Q parameter | REAL |
q_i | Stokes Q parameter | REAL |
q_r | Stokes Q parameter | REAL |
q_u | Stokes Q parameter | REAL |
q_z | Stokes Q parameter | REAL |
qerr_g | Stokes Q parameter error | REAL |
qerr_i | Stokes Q parameter error | REAL |
qerr_r | Stokes Q parameter error | REAL |
qerr_u | Stokes Q parameter error | REAL |
qerr_z | Stokes Q parameter error | REAL |
r | Shorthand alias for modelMag | REAL |
ra | J2000 Right Ascension (r-band) | DOUBLE |
raerr | Error in RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units) | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 | REAL |
rerun | Rerun number | SMALLINT |
resolvestatus | Resolve status of object | INTEGER |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
rowc | Row center position (r-band coordinates) | REAL |
rowc_g | Row center, g-band | REAL |
rowc_i | Row center, i-band | REAL |
rowc_r | Row center, r-band | REAL |
rowc_u | Row center, u-band | REAL |
rowc_z | Row center, z-band | REAL |
rowcerr | Row center position error (r-band coordinates) | REAL |
rowcerr_g | ERROR Row center error, g-band | REAL |
rowcerr_i | ERROR Row center error, i-band | REAL |
rowcerr_r | ERROR Row center error, r-band | REAL |
rowcerr_u | ERROR Row center error, u-band | REAL |
rowcerr_z | ERROR Row center error, z-band | REAL |
rowv | Row-component of object velocity | REAL |
rowverr | Row-component of object velocity error | REAL |
run | Run number | SMALLINT |
score | Quality of field (0-1) | REAL |
sky_g | Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended). | REAL |
sky_i | Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended). | REAL |
sky_r | Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended). | REAL |
sky_u | Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended). | REAL |
sky_z | Sky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended). | REAL |
skyivar_g | Sky flux inverse variance | REAL |
skyivar_i | Sky flux inverse variance | REAL |
skyivar_r | Sky flux inverse variance | REAL |
skyivar_u | Sky flux inverse variance | REAL |
skyivar_z | Sky flux inverse variance | REAL |
skyversion | Layer of catalog (currently only one layer, 0; 0-15 available) | SMALLINT |
tai_g | time of observation (TAI) in each filter | DOUBLE |
tai_i | time of observation (TAI) in each filter | DOUBLE |
tai_r | time of observation (TAI) in each filter | DOUBLE |
tai_u | time of observation (TAI) in each filter | DOUBLE |
tai_z | time of observation (TAI) in each filter | DOUBLE |
thingid | Unique identifier from global resolve | INTEGER |
type | Type classification of the object (star, galaxy, cosmic ray, etc.) | SMALLINT |
type_g | Object type classification per band | INTEGER |
type_i | Object type classification per band | INTEGER |
type_r | Object type classification per band | INTEGER |
type_u | Object type classification per band | INTEGER |
type_z | Object type classification per band | INTEGER |
u | Shorthand alias for modelMag | REAL |
u_g | Stokes U parameter | REAL |
u_i | Stokes U parameter | REAL |
u_r | Stokes U parameter | REAL |
u_u | Stokes U parameter | REAL |
u_z | Stokes U parameter | REAL |
uerr_g | Stokes U parameter error | REAL |
uerr_i | Stokes U parameter error | REAL |
uerr_r | Stokes U parameter error | REAL |
uerr_u | Stokes U parameter error | REAL |
uerr_z | Stokes U parameter error | REAL |
z | Shorthand alias for modelMag | REAL |