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Table: sdss_dr17.photoplate
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmass_gAirmass at time of observation in g-bandREAL
airmass_iAirmass at time of observation in i-bandREAL
airmass_rAirmass at time of observation in r-bandREAL
airmass_uAirmass at time of observation in u-bandREAL
airmass_zAirmass at time of observation in z-bandREAL
aperflux7_gAperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7_iAperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7_rAperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7_uAperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7_zAperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7ivar_gInverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7ivar_iInverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7ivar_rInverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7ivar_uInverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
aperflux7ivar_zInverse variance of aperture flux within 7.3 arcsecREAL
bGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
balkanidWhat balkan object is in from windowINTEGER
calibstatus_gCalibration status in g-bandINTEGER
calibstatus_iCalibration status in i-bandINTEGER
calibstatus_rCalibration status in r-bandINTEGER
calibstatus_uCalibration status in u-bandINTEGER
calibstatus_zCalibration status in z-bandINTEGER
camcolCamera columnSMALLINT
cleanClean photometry flag for point sources (1=clean, 0=unclean).INTEGER
cloudcam_gCloud camera status for observation in g-bandINTEGER
cloudcam_iCloud camera status for observation in i-bandINTEGER
cloudcam_rCloud camera status for observation in r-bandINTEGER
cloudcam_uCloud camera status for observation in u-bandINTEGER
cloudcam_zCloud camera status for observation in z-bandINTEGER
cmodelflux_gbetter of DeV+Exp fluxREAL
cmodelflux_ibetter of DeV+Exp fluxREAL
cmodelflux_rbetter of DeV+Exp fluxREAL
cmodelflux_ubetter of DeV+Exp fluxREAL
cmodelflux_zbetter of DeV+Exp fluxREAL
cmodelfluxivar_gInverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fitREAL
cmodelfluxivar_iInverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fitREAL
cmodelfluxivar_rInverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fitREAL
cmodelfluxivar_uInverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fitREAL
cmodelfluxivar_zInverse variance in DeV+Exp flux fitREAL
cmodelmag_gDeV+Exp magnitudeREAL
cmodelmag_iDeV+Exp magnitudeREAL
cmodelmag_rDeV+Exp magnitudeREAL
cmodelmag_uDeV+Exp magnitudeREAL
cmodelmag_zDeV+Exp magnitudeREAL
cmodelmagerr_gDeV+Exp magnitude errorREAL
cmodelmagerr_iDeV+Exp magnitude errorREAL
cmodelmagerr_rDeV+Exp magnitude errorREAL
cmodelmagerr_uDeV+Exp magnitude errorREAL
cmodelmagerr_zDeV+Exp magnitude errorREAL
colcColumn center position (r-band coordinates)REAL
colc_gColumn center, g-bandREAL
colc_iColumn center, i-bandREAL
colc_rColumn center, r-bandREAL
colc_uColumn center, u-bandREAL
colc_zColumn center, z-bandREAL
colcerrColumn center position error (r-band coordinates)REAL
colcerr_gColumn center error, g-bandREAL
colcerr_iColumn center error, i-bandREAL
colcerr_rColumn center error, r-bandREAL
colcerr_uColumn center error, u-bandREAL
colcerr_zColumn center error, z-bandREAL
colvColumn-component of object velocityREAL
colverrColumn-component of object velocity errorREAL
cxunit vector for ra+decDOUBLE
cyunit vector for ra+decDOUBLE
czunit vector for ra+decDOUBLE
decJ2000 Declination (r-band)DOUBLE
decerrError in DecDOUBLE
dered_gSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinctionREAL
dered_iSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinctionREAL
dered_rSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinctionREAL
dered_uSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinctionREAL
dered_zSimplified mag, corrected for extinction: modelMag-extinctionREAL
devab_gde Vaucouleurs fit a/bREAL
devab_ide Vaucouleurs fit a/bREAL
devab_rde Vaucouleurs fit a/bREAL
devab_ude Vaucouleurs fit a/bREAL
devab_zde Vaucouleurs fit a/bREAL
devaberr_gde Vaucouleurs fit a/b errorREAL
devaberr_ide Vaucouleurs fit a/b errorREAL
devaberr_rde Vaucouleurs fit a/b errorREAL
devaberr_ude Vaucouleurs fit a/b errorREAL
devaberr_zde Vaucouleurs fit a/b errorREAL
devflux_gde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devflux_ide Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devflux_rde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devflux_ude Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devflux_zde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devfluxivar_gde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse varianceREAL
devfluxivar_ide Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse varianceREAL
devfluxivar_rde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse varianceREAL
devfluxivar_ude Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse varianceREAL
devfluxivar_zde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit inverse varianceREAL
devmag_gde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devmag_ide Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devmag_rde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devmag_ude Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devmag_zde Vaucouleurs magnitude fitREAL
devmagerr_gde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit errorREAL
devmagerr_ide Vaucouleurs magnitude fit errorREAL
devmagerr_rde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit errorREAL
devmagerr_ude Vaucouleurs magnitude fit errorREAL
devmagerr_zde Vaucouleurs magnitude fit errorREAL
devphi_gde Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
devphi_ide Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
devphi_rde Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
devphi_ude Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
devphi_zde Vaucouleurs fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
devrad_gde Vaucouleurs fit scale radiusREAL
devrad_ide Vaucouleurs fit scale radiusREAL
devrad_rde Vaucouleurs fit scale radiusREAL
devrad_ude Vaucouleurs fit scale radiusREAL
devrad_zde Vaucouleurs fit scale radiusREAL
devraderr_gError in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius errorREAL
devraderr_iError in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius errorREAL
devraderr_rError in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius errorREAL
devraderr_uError in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius errorREAL
devraderr_zError in de Vaucouleurs fit scale radius errorREAL
elatEcliptic LatitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic LongitudeDOUBLE
err_gError in modelMag aliasREAL
err_iError in modelMag aliasREAL
err_rError in modelMag aliasREAL
err_uError in modelMag aliasREAL
err_zError in modelMag aliasREAL
expab_gExponential fit a/bREAL
expab_iExponential fit a/bREAL
expab_rExponential fit a/bREAL
expab_uExponential fit a/bREAL
expab_zExponential fit a/bREAL
expaberr_gExponential fit a/bREAL
expaberr_iExponential fit a/bREAL
expaberr_rExponential fit a/bREAL
expaberr_uExponential fit a/bREAL
expaberr_zExponential fit a/bREAL
expflux_gExponential fit fluxREAL
expflux_iExponential fit fluxREAL
expflux_rExponential fit fluxREAL
expflux_uExponential fit fluxREAL
expflux_zExponential fit fluxREAL
expfluxivar_gExponential fit flux inverse varianceREAL
expfluxivar_iExponential fit flux inverse varianceREAL
expfluxivar_rExponential fit flux inverse varianceREAL
expfluxivar_uExponential fit flux inverse varianceREAL
expfluxivar_zExponential fit flux inverse varianceREAL
expmag_gExponential fit magnitudeREAL
expmag_iExponential fit magnitudeREAL
expmag_rExponential fit magnitudeREAL
expmag_uExponential fit magnitudeREAL
expmag_zExponential fit magnitudeREAL
expmagerr_gExponential fit magnitude errorREAL
expmagerr_iExponential fit magnitude errorREAL
expmagerr_rExponential fit magnitude errorREAL
expmagerr_uExponential fit magnitude errorREAL
expmagerr_zExponential fit magnitude errorREAL
expphi_gExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
expphi_iExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
expphi_rExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
expphi_uExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
expphi_zExponential fit position angle (+N thru E)REAL
exprad_gExponential fit scale radiusREAL
exprad_iExponential fit scale radiusREAL
exprad_rExponential fit scale radiusREAL
exprad_uExponential fit scale radiusREAL
exprad_zExponential fit scale radiusREAL
expraderr_gExponential fit scale radius errorREAL
expraderr_iExponential fit scale radius errorREAL
expraderr_rExponential fit scale radius errorREAL
expraderr_uExponential fit scale radius errorREAL
expraderr_zExponential fit scale radius errorREAL
extinction_gExtinction in g-bandREAL
extinction_iExtinction in i-bandREAL
extinction_rExtinction in r-bandREAL
extinction_uExtinction in u-bandREAL
extinction_zExtinction in z-bandREAL
fiber2flux_gFlux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2flux_iFlux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2flux_rFlux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2flux_uFlux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2flux_zFlux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2fluxivar_gInverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2fluxivar_iInverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2fluxivar_rInverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2fluxivar_uInverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2fluxivar_zInverse variance in flux in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2mag_gMagnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2mag_iMagnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2mag_rMagnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2mag_uMagnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2mag_zMagnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2magerr_gError in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2magerr_iError in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2magerr_rError in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2magerr_uError in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiber2magerr_zError in magnitude in 2 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberflux_gFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberflux_iFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberflux_rFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberflux_uFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberflux_zFlux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberfluxivar_gInverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberfluxivar_iInverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberfluxivar_rInverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberfluxivar_uInverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fiberfluxivar_zInverse variance in flux in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermag_gMagnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermag_iMagnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermag_rMagnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermag_uMagnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermag_zMagnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermagerr_gError in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermagerr_iError in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermagerr_rError in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermagerr_uError in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fibermagerr_zError in magnitude in 3 arcsec diameter fiber radiusREAL
fieldField numberSMALLINT
fieldidLink to the field this object is inBIGINT
flagsPhoto Object Attribute FlagsBIGINT
flags_gObject detection flags per bandBIGINT
flags_iObject detection flags per bandBIGINT
flags_rObject detection flags per bandBIGINT
flags_uObject detection flags per bandBIGINT
flags_zObject detection flags per bandBIGINT
fracdev_gWeight of deV component in deV+Exp modelREAL
fracdev_iWeight of deV component in deV+Exp modelREAL
fracdev_rWeight of deV component in deV+Exp modelREAL
fracdev_uWeight of deV component in deV+Exp modelREAL
fracdev_zWeight of deV component in deV+Exp modelREAL
gShorthand alias for modelMagREAL
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
iShorthand alias for modelMagREAL
lGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
lnldev_gde Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnldev_ide Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnldev_rde Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnldev_ude Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnldev_zde Vaucouleurs fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlexp_gExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlexp_iExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlexp_rExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlexp_uExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlexp_zExponential disk fit ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlstar_gStar ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlstar_iStar ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlstar_rStar ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlstar_uStar ln(likelihood)REAL
lnlstar_zStar ln(likelihood)REAL
mcr4_gAdaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4_iAdaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4_rAdaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4_uAdaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4_zAdaptive fourth moment of object (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4psf_gAdaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4psf_iAdaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4psf_rAdaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4psf_uAdaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mcr4psf_zAdaptive fourth moment for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1_gAdaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1_iAdaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1_rAdaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1_uAdaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1_zAdaptive E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e1err_gCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e1err_iCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e1err_rCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e1err_uCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e1err_zCovariance in E1/E1 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e2err_gCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e2err_iCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e2err_rCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e2err_uCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1e2err_zCovariance in E1/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1psf_gAdaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1psf_iAdaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1psf_rAdaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1psf_uAdaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me1psf_zAdaptive E1 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2_gAdaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2_iAdaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2_rAdaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2_uAdaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2_zAdaptive E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2e2err_gCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2e2err_iCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2e2err_rCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2e2err_uCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2e2err_zCovariance in E2/E2 shape measure (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2psf_gAdaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2psf_iAdaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2psf_rAdaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2psf_uAdaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
me2psf_zAdaptive E2 for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mjdDate of observationINTEGER
mode1: primary, 2: secondary, 3: otherSMALLINT
modelflux_gbetter of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelflux_ibetter of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelflux_rbetter of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelflux_ubetter of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelflux_zbetter of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelfluxivar_gInverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelfluxivar_iInverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelfluxivar_rInverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelfluxivar_uInverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelfluxivar_zInverse variance in better of DeV/Exp flux fitREAL
modelmag_gbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmag_ibetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmag_rbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmag_ubetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmag_zbetter of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmagerr_gError in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmagerr_iError in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmagerr_rError in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmagerr_uError in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
modelmagerr_zError in better of DeV/Exp magnitude fitREAL
mrrcc_gAdaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrcc_iAdaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrcc_rAdaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrcc_uAdaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrcc_zAdaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccerr_gError in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccerr_iError in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccerr_rError in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccerr_uError in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccerr_zError in adaptive ( + ) (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccpsf_gAdaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccpsf_iAdaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccpsf_rAdaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccpsf_uAdaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
mrrccpsf_zAdaptive ( + ) for PSF (pixel coordinates)REAL
nchildNumber of children if this is a composite object that has been deblended. BRIGHT (in a flags sense) objects also have nchild == 1, the non-BRIGHT sibling.SMALLINT
ndetectNumber of detections of this objectINTEGER
nedgeNumber of observations of this object near an edgeINTEGER
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec sizeINTEGER
nmgypercount_gnanomaggies per count in g-bandREAL
nmgypercount_inanomaggies per count in i-bandREAL
nmgypercount_rnanomaggies per count in r-bandREAL
nmgypercount_unanomaggies per count in u-bandREAL
nmgypercount_znanomaggies per count in z-bandREAL
nobserveNumber of observations of this objectINTEGER
nprof_gNumber of Profile BinsINTEGER
nprof_iNumber of Profile BinsINTEGER
nprof_rNumber of Profile BinsINTEGER
nprof_uNumber of Profile BinsINTEGER
nprof_zNumber of Profile BinsINTEGER
objThe object id within a field. Usually changes between reruns of the same fieldSMALLINT
objidUnique SDSS identifier composed from [skyVersion,rerun,run,camcol,field,obj].BIGINT
offsetdec_gfilter position Dec minus final DecREAL
offsetdec_ifilter position Dec minus final DecREAL
offsetdec_rfilter position Dec minus final DecREAL
offsetdec_ufilter position Dec minus final DecREAL
offsetdec_zfilter position Dec minus final DecREAL
offsetra_gfilter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)REAL
offsetra_ifilter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)REAL
offsetra_rfilter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)REAL
offsetra_ufilter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)REAL
offsetra_zfilter position RA minus final RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)REAL
parentidPointer to parent (if object deblended) or BRIGHT detection (if object has one), else 0BIGINT
petroflux_gPetrosian fluxREAL
petroflux_iPetrosian fluxREAL
petroflux_rPetrosian fluxREAL
petroflux_uPetrosian fluxREAL
petroflux_zPetrosian fluxREAL
petrofluxivar_gPetrosian flux inverse varianceREAL
petrofluxivar_iPetrosian flux inverse varianceREAL
petrofluxivar_rPetrosian flux inverse varianceREAL
petrofluxivar_uPetrosian flux inverse varianceREAL
petrofluxivar_zPetrosian flux inverse varianceREAL
petromag_gPetrosian magnitudeREAL
petromag_iPetrosian magnitudeREAL
petromag_rPetrosian magnitudeREAL
petromag_uPetrosian magnitudeREAL
petromag_zPetrosian magnitudeREAL
petromagerr_gPetrosian magnitude errorREAL
petromagerr_iPetrosian magnitude errorREAL
petromagerr_rPetrosian magnitude errorREAL
petromagerr_uPetrosian magnitude errorREAL
petromagerr_zPetrosian magnitude errorREAL
petror50_gRadius containing 50% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror50_iRadius containing 50% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror50_rRadius containing 50% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror50_uRadius containing 50% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror50_zRadius containing 50% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror50err_gError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror50err_iError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror50err_rError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror50err_uError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror50err_zError in radius with 50% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror90_gRadius containing 90% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror90_iRadius containing 90% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror90_rRadius containing 90% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror90_uRadius containing 90% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror90_zRadius containing 90% of Petrosian fluxREAL
petror90err_gError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror90err_iError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror90err_rError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror90err_uError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petror90err_zError in radius with 90% of Petrosian flux errorREAL
petrorad_gPetrosian radiusREAL
petrorad_iPetrosian radiusREAL
petrorad_rPetrosian radiusREAL
petrorad_uPetrosian radiusREAL
petrorad_zPetrosian radiusREAL
petroraderr_gPetrosian radius errorREAL
petroraderr_iPetrosian radius errorREAL
petroraderr_rPetrosian radius errorREAL
petroraderr_uPetrosian radius errorREAL
petroraderr_zPetrosian radius errorREAL
phioffset_gDegrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of NREAL
phioffset_iDegrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of NREAL
phioffset_rDegrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of NREAL
phioffset_uDegrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of NREAL
phioffset_zDegrees to add to CCD-aligned angle to convert to E of NREAL
probpsfProbability that the object is a star. Currently 0 if type == 3 (galaxy), 1 if type == 6 (star).REAL
probpsf_gProbablity object is a star in each filter.REAL
probpsf_iProbablity object is a star in each filter.REAL
probpsf_rProbablity object is a star in each filter.REAL
probpsf_uProbablity object is a star in each filter.REAL
probpsf_zProbablity object is a star in each filter.REAL
psfflux_gPSF fluxREAL
psfflux_iPSF fluxREAL
psfflux_rPSF fluxREAL
psfflux_uPSF fluxREAL
psfflux_zPSF fluxREAL
psffluxivar_gPSF flux inverse varianceREAL
psffluxivar_iPSF flux inverse varianceREAL
psffluxivar_rPSF flux inverse varianceREAL
psffluxivar_uPSF flux inverse varianceREAL
psffluxivar_zPSF flux inverse varianceREAL
psffwhm_gFWHM in g-bandREAL
psffwhm_iFWHM in i-bandREAL
psffwhm_rFWHM in r-bandREAL
psffwhm_uFWHM in u-bandREAL
psffwhm_zFWHM in z-bandREAL
psfmag_gPSF magnitudeREAL
psfmag_iPSF magnitudeREAL
psfmag_rPSF magnitudeREAL
psfmag_uPSF magnitudeREAL
psfmag_zPSF magnitudeREAL
psfmagerr_gPSF magnitude errorREAL
psfmagerr_iPSF magnitude errorREAL
psfmagerr_rPSF magnitude errorREAL
psfmagerr_uPSF magnitude errorREAL
psfmagerr_zPSF magnitude errorREAL
q_gStokes Q parameterREAL
q_iStokes Q parameterREAL
q_rStokes Q parameterREAL
q_uStokes Q parameterREAL
q_zStokes Q parameterREAL
qerr_gStokes Q parameter errorREAL
qerr_iStokes Q parameter errorREAL
qerr_rStokes Q parameter errorREAL
qerr_uStokes Q parameter errorREAL
qerr_zStokes Q parameter errorREAL
rShorthand alias for modelMagREAL
raJ2000 Right Ascension (r-band)DOUBLE
raerrError in RA (* cos(Dec), that is, proper units)DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
rerunRerun numberSMALLINT
resolvestatusResolve status of objectINTEGER
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rowcRow center position (r-band coordinates)REAL
rowc_gRow center, g-bandREAL
rowc_iRow center, i-bandREAL
rowc_rRow center, r-bandREAL
rowc_uRow center, u-bandREAL
rowc_zRow center, z-bandREAL
rowcerrRow center position error (r-band coordinates)REAL
rowcerr_gERROR Row center error, g-bandREAL
rowcerr_iERROR Row center error, i-bandREAL
rowcerr_rERROR Row center error, r-bandREAL
rowcerr_uERROR Row center error, u-bandREAL
rowcerr_zERROR Row center error, z-bandREAL
rowvRow-component of object velocityREAL
rowverrRow-component of object velocity errorREAL
runRun numberSMALLINT
scoreQuality of field (0-1)REAL
sky_gSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).REAL
sky_iSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).REAL
sky_rSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).REAL
sky_uSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).REAL
sky_zSky flux at the center of object (allowing for siblings if blended).REAL
skyivar_gSky flux inverse varianceREAL
skyivar_iSky flux inverse varianceREAL
skyivar_rSky flux inverse varianceREAL
skyivar_uSky flux inverse varianceREAL
skyivar_zSky flux inverse varianceREAL
skyversionLayer of catalog (currently only one layer, 0; 0-15 available)SMALLINT
tai_gtime of observation (TAI) in each filterDOUBLE
tai_itime of observation (TAI) in each filterDOUBLE
tai_rtime of observation (TAI) in each filterDOUBLE
tai_utime of observation (TAI) in each filterDOUBLE
tai_ztime of observation (TAI) in each filterDOUBLE
thingidUnique identifier from global resolveINTEGER
typeType classification of the object (star, galaxy, cosmic ray, etc.)SMALLINT
type_gObject type classification per bandINTEGER
type_iObject type classification per bandINTEGER
type_rObject type classification per bandINTEGER
type_uObject type classification per bandINTEGER
type_zObject type classification per bandINTEGER
uShorthand alias for modelMagREAL
u_gStokes U parameterREAL
u_iStokes U parameterREAL
u_rStokes U parameterREAL
u_uStokes U parameterREAL
u_zStokes U parameterREAL
uerr_gStokes U parameter errorREAL
uerr_iStokes U parameter errorREAL
uerr_rStokes U parameter errorREAL
uerr_uStokes U parameter errorREAL
uerr_zStokes U parameter errorREAL
zShorthand alias for modelMagREAL