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Table: sdss_dr8.galspecindx
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
best_model_zMetallicity of best fitting (min chisq) model Z = 0.004 / 0.017 / 0.050 (0.2 1.0, 2.5 x solar)REAL
bh_caiRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_cai_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_cai_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_cai_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_cai_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_cnbRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_cnb_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_cnb_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_cnb_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_cnb_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_fcRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_fc_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_fc_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_fc_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_fc_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_gRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_g_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_g_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_g_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_g_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_hbRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_hb_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_hb_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_hb_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_hb_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_hkRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_hk_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_hk_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_hk_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_hk_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_mggRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_mgg_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_mgg_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_mgg_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_mgg_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_mhRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_mh_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_mh_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_mh_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_mh_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
bh_nadRestframe index measurementREAL
bh_nad_errError on index measurementREAL
bh_nad_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
bh_nad_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
bh_nad_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
d40004000AA break, Bruzual (1983) definitionREAL
d4000_blueThe flux in the blue window of the Bruzual (1983) definition of D4000REAL
d4000_errUncertainty estimate for 4000AA break, Bruzual (1983) definitionREAL
d4000_model4000AA break, Bruzual (1983) definition measured off best-fit CB08 modelREAL
d4000_n4000AA break, Balogh et al (1999) definitionREAL
d4000_n_blueThe flux in the blue window of the Balogh et al (1999) definition of D4000REAL
d4000_n_errUncertainty estimate for 4000AA break, Balogh et al (1999) definitionREAL
d4000_n_model4000AA break, Balogh et al (1999) definition measured off best-fit CB08 modelREAL
d4000_n_redThe flux in the red window of the Balogh et al (1999) definition of D4000REAL
d4000_n_sub4000AA break, Balogh et al (1999) definition after correction for emission linesREAL
d4000_n_sub_blueThe flux in the blue window of the Balogh et al (1999)q definition of D4000 after subtraction of emission linesREAL
d4000_n_sub_errUncertainty estimate for 4000AA break, Balogh et al (1999) definition after correction for emission linesREAL
d4000_n_sub_redThe flux in the red window of the Balogh et al (1999) definition of D4000 after subtraction of emission linesREAL
d4000_redThe flux in the red window of the Bruzual (1983) definition of D4000REAL
d4000_sub4000AA break, Bruzual (1983) definition after correction for emission linesREAL
d4000_sub_blueThe flux in the blue window of the Bruzual (1983) definition of D4000 after subtraction of emission linesREAL
d4000_sub_errUncertainty estimate for 4000AA break, Bruzual (1983) definition after correction for emission linesREAL
d4000_sub_redThe flux in the red window of the Bruzual (1983) definition of D4000 after subtraction of emission linesREAL
dtt_caii8498Restframe index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8498_errError on index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8498_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
dtt_caii8498_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
dtt_caii8498_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8542Restframe index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8542_errError on index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8542_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
dtt_caii8542_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
dtt_caii8542_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8662Restframe index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8662_errError on index measurementREAL
dtt_caii8662_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
dtt_caii8662_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
dtt_caii8662_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
dtt_mgi8807Restframe index measurementREAL
dtt_mgi8807_errError on index measurementREAL
dtt_mgi8807_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
dtt_mgi8807_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
dtt_mgi8807_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
fiberidFiber number (1 - 640)SMALLINT
lick_c4668Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_c4668_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_c4668_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_c4668_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_c4668_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_ca4227Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_ca4227_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_ca4227_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_ca4227_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_ca4227_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_ca4455Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_ca4455_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_ca4455_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_ca4455_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_ca4455_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_cn1Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_cn1_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_cn1_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_cn1_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_cn1_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_cn2Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_cn2_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_cn2_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_cn2_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_cn2_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe4383Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe4383_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe4383_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe4383_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe4383_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe4531Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe4531_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe4531_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe4531_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe4531_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5015Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5015_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5015_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5015_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5015_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5270Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5270_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5270_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5270_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5270_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5335Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5335_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5335_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5335_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5335_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5406Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5406_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5406_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5406_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5406_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5709Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5709_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5709_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5709_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5709_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_fe5782Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_fe5782_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_fe5782_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_fe5782_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_fe5782_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_g4300Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_g4300_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_g4300_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_g4300_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_g4300_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_hbRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_hb_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_hb_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_hb_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_hb_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_hd_aRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_hd_a_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_hd_a_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_hd_a_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_hd_a_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_hd_fRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_hd_f_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_hd_f_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_hd_f_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_hd_f_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_hg_aRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_hg_a_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_hg_a_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_hg_a_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_hg_a_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_hg_fRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_hg_f_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_hg_f_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_hg_f_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_hg_f_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_mg1Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_mg1_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_mg1_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_mg1_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_mg1_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_mg2Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_mg2_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_mg2_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_mg2_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_mg2_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_mgbRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_mgb_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_mgb_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_mgb_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_mgb_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_nadRestframe index measurementREAL
lick_nad_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_nad_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_nad_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_nad_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_tio1Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_tio1_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_tio1_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_tio1_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_tio1_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
lick_tio2Restframe index measurementREAL
lick_tio2_errError on index measurementREAL
lick_tio2_modelIndex of best fit model spectrumREAL
lick_tio2_subRestframe index measurement on the data after subtracting all 3-sigma emission linesREAL
lick_tio2_sub_errError in the above index measurementREAL
mjdModified Julian Date of plate observationINTEGER
model_chisqReduced chi-squared of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_chisq_040The chi^2 of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_chisq_080The chi^2 of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_chisq_170The chi^2 of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_chisq_400The chi^2 of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_1The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_10The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_2The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_3The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_4The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_5The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_6The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_7The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_8The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_040_9The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_1The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_10The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_2The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_3The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_4The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_5The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_6The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_7The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_8The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_080_9The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_1Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_10Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_170_1The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_10The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_2The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_3The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_4The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_5The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_6The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_7The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_8The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_170_9The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_2Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_3Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_4Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_400_1The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_10The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_2The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_3The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_4The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_5The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_6The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_7The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_8The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_400_9The scaling coefficients of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL
model_coef_5Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_6Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_7Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_8Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
model_coef_9Coeficients of best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
plateidPlate numberSMALLINT
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
sdss_joinidUnique ID based on PLATE, MJD, FIBERID for joining across data releasesBIGINT
specobjidUnique IDBIGINT
tauv_contV-band optical depth (TauV = A_V / 1.086) affecting the stars from best fit model (best of 4 Zs)REAL
tauv_model_040Dust attenuation of the best fit Z=0.004 CB08 modelREAL
tauv_model_080Dust attenuation of the best fit Z=0.008 CB08 modelREAL
tauv_model_170Dust attenuation of the best fit Z=0.017 CB08 modelREAL
tauv_model_400Dust attenuation of the best fit Z=0.04 CB08 modelREAL