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Table: sga2020.ellipse
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
ba | Minor-to-major axis ratio as measured from the ellipse moments (or equivalent to BA_LEDA if the ellipse moments could not be measured) | REAL |
ba_leda | Ratio of the semi-minor axis to the semi-major axis taken from the reference indicated in REF (but see also the BYHAND column) | REAL |
brickname | Name of brick encoding the brick sky position e.g. 1126p222 is centered on RA=112.6, Dec=+22.2 | CHAR |
byhand | Flag indicating whether one or more of RA_LEDA, DEC_LEDA, D25_LEDA, PA_LEDA, BA_LEDA, or MAG_LEDA were changed from their published HyperLeda values, generally based on visual inspection | SMALLINT |
d25_leda | Approximate major-axis diameter at the 25 mag arcsec-2 (optical) surface brightness isophote taken from the reference indicated in REF (but see also the BYHAND column) | REAL |
d26 | Major axis diameter measured at the mu=26 mag arcsec-2 r-band isophote based on SMA_SB26. If the r-band surface-brightness profile could not be measured at this level the diameter is set equal to 2.5 x SMA_SB25 or 1.5 x D25_LEDA in that order of priority | REAL |
d26_ref | Reference indicating the origin of the DIAM measurement: SB26, SB25, or LEDA | CHAR |
dec | Declination (J2000) based on the Tractor model fit; identical to DEC in the tractor table | DOUBLE |
dec_leda | Declination (J2000) from the reference indicated in REF (but see also the BYHAND column) | DOUBLE |
dec_moment | Light-weighted declination (J2000) as measured from the ellipse moments. Equivalent to DEC_Y0 in the Ellipse Fits table ( but set to DEC_LEDA if ellipse-fitting was not carried out | DOUBLE |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
ellipsebit | See the bitsmasks documentation here | INTEGER |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
g_cog_params_alpha1 | Best-fitting parameter alpha1 in g-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
g_cog_params_alpha2 | Best-fitting parameter alpha2 in g-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
g_cog_params_chi2 | Chi2 of the fit to the curve of growth in g-band (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
g_cog_params_m0 | Best-fitting parameter m0 in g-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
g_cog_params_mtot | Best-fitting parameter m1 in g-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
g_mag_sb22 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb22_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb22_5_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb22_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb22_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb22 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb23 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb23_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb23_5_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb23_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb23_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb23 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb24 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb24_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb24_5_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb24_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb24_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb24 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb25 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb25_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb25_5_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb25_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb25_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb25 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_mag_sb26 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb26 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
g_mag_sb26_err | Uncertainty in g_mag_sb26 (1 sigma) | REAL |
g_sma50 | Half-light semi-major axis length in g-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here; -1 if not measured) | REAL |
galaxy | Unique galaxy name | VARCHAR |
glat | Galactic latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude | DOUBLE |
group_dec | Declination of the group weighted by D25_LEDA | DOUBLE |
group_diameter | Approximate group diameter. For groups with a single galaxy this quantity equals D25_LEDA. For galaxies with multiple members we estimate the diameter of the group as the maximum separation of all the pairs of group members (plus their D25_LEDA diameter) | REAL |
group_id | Unique group identification number | BIGINT |
group_mult | Group multiplicity (i.e. number of group members from the parent sample) | SMALLINT |
group_name | Unique group name constructed from the name of its largest member (based on D25_LEDA) and the suffix _GROUP (e.g. PGC193199_GROUP) | VARCHAR |
group_primary | Flag indicating the primary (i.e. largest) group member | SMALLINT |
group_ra | Right ascension of the group weighted by D25_LEDA | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
mag_leda | Approximate brightness (Note: this magnitude estimate is heterogeneous in both bandpass and aperture but for most galaxies it is measured in the B-band within D25_LEDA ; use with care) | REAL |
morphtype | Visual morphological type from Hyperleda (if available) | VARCHAR |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size) | INTEGER |
pa | Galaxy position angle measured positive clockwise from North as measured from the ellipse moments (or equivalent to PA_LEDA if the ellipse moments could not be measured) | REAL |
pa_leda | Galaxy position angle measured positive clockwise from North taken from the reference indicated in REF (but see also the BYHAND column) | REAL |
pgc | Unique identifier from the Principal Catalogue of Galaxies (-1 if none or not known) | BIGINT |
r_cog_params_alpha1 | Best-fitting parameter alpha1 in r-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
r_cog_params_alpha2 | Best-fitting parameter alpha2 in r-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
r_cog_params_chi2 | Chi2 of the fit to the curve of growth in r-band (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
r_cog_params_m0 | Best-fitting parameter m0 in r-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
r_cog_params_mtot | Best-fitting parameter m1 in r-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
r_mag_sb22 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb22_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb22_5_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb22_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb22_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb22 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb23 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb23_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb23_5_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb23_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb23_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb23 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb24 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb24_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb24_5_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb24_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb24_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb24 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb25 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb25_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb25_5_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb25_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb25_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb25 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_mag_sb26 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb26 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
r_mag_sb26_err | Uncertainty in r_mag_sb26 (1 sigma) | REAL |
r_sma50 | Half-light semi-major axis length in r-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here; -1 if not measured) | REAL |
ra | Right ascension (J2000) based on the Tractor model fit; identical to RA in the tractor table | DOUBLE |
ra_leda | Right ascension (J2000) from the reference indicated in REF (but see also the BYHAND column) | DOUBLE |
ra_moment | Light-weighted right ascension (J2000) as measured from the ellipse moments. Equivalent to RA_X0 in the Ellipse Fits table ( but set to RA_LEDA if ellipse-fitting was not carried out | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0 (not unique) | REAL |
ref | Unique reference name indicating the original source of the object as described in Sample Selection here LEDA-20181114, LGDWARFS, RC3, OpenNGC, or DR8 | VARCHAR |
ring256 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
sb_d25_leda | Mean surface brightness within D25_LEDA based on the brightness in MAG_LEDA | REAL |
sga_galaxy | SGA galaxy name constructed as SGA-2020 SGA_ID | VARCHAR |
sga_id | Unique integer identifier | BIGINT |
sma_moment | Second moment of the light distribution along the major axis based on the measured ellipse moments (-1 if not measured). Equivalent to MAJORAXIS (but converted to arcsec) in the Ellipse Fits table ( | REAL |
sma_sb22 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=22 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb22_5 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=22.5 mag arcsec^^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb22_5_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb22_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb22_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb22 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb23 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=23 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb23_5 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=23.5 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb23_5_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb23_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb23_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb23 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb24 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=24 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb24_5 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=24.5 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb24_5_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb24_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb24_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb24 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb25 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=25 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb25_5 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=25.5 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb25_5_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb25_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb25_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb25 (1 sigma) | REAL |
sma_sb26 | Semi-major axis length at the mu=26 mag arcsec^-2 isophote in the r-band (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
sma_sb26_err | Uncertainty in sma_sb26 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_cog_params_alpha1 | Best-fitting parameter alpha1 in z-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
z_cog_params_alpha2 | Best-fitting parameter alpha2 in z-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
z_cog_params_chi2 | Chi2 of the fit to the curve of growth in z-band (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
z_cog_params_m0 | Best-fitting parameter m0 in z-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
z_cog_params_mtot | Best-fitting parameter m1 in z-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here | REAL |
z_leda | Heliocentric redshift from HyperLeda. Note: a missing value represented with -1.0 does not imply that no redshift exists | REAL |
z_mag_sb22 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb22_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb22_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb22_5_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb22_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb22_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb22 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb23 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb23_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb23_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb23_5_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb23_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb23_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb23 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb24 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb24_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb24_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb24_5_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb24_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb24_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb24 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb25 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb25_5 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb25_5 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb25_5_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb25_5 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb25_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb25 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_mag_sb26 | Cumulative brightness measured within sma_sb26 (-1 if not measured) | REAL |
z_mag_sb26_err | Uncertainty in z_mag_sb26 (1 sigma) | REAL |
z_sma50 | Half-light semi-major axis length in z-band based on the fit to the curve of growth (see the Ellipse-Fitting section here; -1 if not measured) | REAL |