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Table: skymapper_dr4.master
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
chi2_psfMaximum chi-squared from photometry tableDOUBLE
class_starMaximum stellarity index from photometry table (between 0=no star and 1=star)REAL
cnt_gaia_dr3_15Number of Gaia DR3 sources within 15 arcsecSMALLINT
cnt_self_15Number of SMSS DR4 sources within 15 arcsecSMALLINT
dej2000Mean ICRS Declination of the objectDOUBLE
e_dej2000RMS variation around the mean Declination in milliarcsecondsSMALLINT
e_g_apc05Error in weighted mean g-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_g_petroError in weighted mean g-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_g_psfError in weighted mean g-band PSF magnitudeREAL
e_i_apc05Error in weighted mean i-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_i_petroError in weighted mean i-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_i_psfError in weighted mean i-band PSF magnitudeREAL
e_r_apc05Error in weighted mean r-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_r_petroError in weighted mean r-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_r_psfError in weighted mean r-band PSF magnitudeREAL
e_raj2000RMS variation around the mean Right Ascension in milliarcsecondsSMALLINT
e_u_apc05Error in weighted mean u-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_u_petroError in weighted mean u-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_u_psfError in weighted mean u-band PSF magnitudeREAL
e_v_apc05Error in weighted mean v-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_v_petroError in weighted mean v-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_v_psfError in weighted mean v-band PSF magnitudeREAL
e_z_apc05Error in weighted mean z-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
e_z_petroError in weighted mean z-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_z_psfError in weighted mean z-band PSF magnitudeREAL
ebmv_g_errError in the E(B-V) from GNILCREAL
ebmv_gnilcE(B-V) from Planck satellite GNILC reddening maps at the ICRS coordinatesREAL
ebmv_sfdE(B-V) from Schlegel+1998 extinction maps at the ICRS coordinatesREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags across all observationsSMALLINT
flags_psfBitmask indicating whether photometry is likely biased by neighbours at >1%; bits 0-5 correspond to filters z-uINTEGER
g_apc05Weighted mean g-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
g_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from g-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
g_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped g-band PSF magnitudesREAL
g_nclipNumber of g-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
g_ngoodNumber of g-band observations usedSMALLINT
g_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from g-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
g_petroWeighted mean g-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
g_psfWeighted mean g-band PSF magnitudeREAL
gaia_dr3_dist1Distance on sky to closest Gaia DR3 sourceREAL
gaia_dr3_dist2Distance on sky to second-closest Gaia DR3 sourceREAL
gaia_dr3_id1Unique identifier (source_id) of closest Gaia DR3 sourceBIGINT
gaia_dr3_id2Unique identifier (source_id) of second-closest Gaia DR3 sourceBIGINT
glatGalactic latitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference.DOUBLE
glonGalactic longitude derived from ICRS coordinates. Not to be used as primary astrometric reference.DOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9=>~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
i_apc05Weighted mean i-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
i_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from i-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
i_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped i-band PSF magnitudesREAL
i_nclipNumber of i-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
i_ngoodNumber of i-band observations usedSMALLINT
i_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from i-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
i_petroWeighted mean i-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
i_psfWeighted mean i-band PSF magnitudeREAL
mean_epochMean MJD epoch of the observationsDOUBLE
mean_fwhmMean FWHM of detectionsREAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme=>~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
ngoodNumber of observations used across all filtersSMALLINT
nimaflagsTotal number of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixel masks across all observationsINTEGER
object_idGlobal unique object ID in the master tableBIGINT
r_apc05Weighted mean r-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
r_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from r-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
r_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped -band PSF magnitudesREAL
r_nclipNumber of r-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
r_ngoodNumber of r-band observations usedSMALLINT
r_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from r-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
r_petroWeighted mean r-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
r_psfWeighted mean r-band PSF magnitudeREAL
radius_petroMean r-band Petrosian radiusREAL
raj2000Mean ICRS Right Ascension of the objectDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256=>~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
rms_epochRMS variation around the mean epochREAL
self_dist1Distance on sky to closest SMSS DR4 sourceREAL
self_dist2Distance on sky to second-closest SMSS DR4 sourceREAL
self_dist3Distance on sky to third-closest SMSS DR4 sourceREAL
self_id1Unique identifier (object_id) of closest SMSS DR4 sourceBIGINT
self_id2Unique identifier (object_id) of second-closest SMSS DR4 sourceBIGINT
self_id3Unique identifier (object_id) of third-closest SMSS DR4 sourceBIGINT
smss_jSkyMapper Southern Survey designation of the form SMSS derived from mean ICRS coordinatesCHAR
u_apc05Weighted mean u-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
u_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from u-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
u_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped u-band PSF magnitudesREAL
u_nclipNumber of u-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
u_ngoodNumber of u-band observations usedSMALLINT
u_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from u-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
u_petroWeighted mean u-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
u_psfWeighted mean u-band PSF magnitudeREAL
v_apc05Weighted mean v-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
v_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from v-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
v_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped v-band PSF magnitudesREAL
v_nclipNumber of v-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
v_ngoodNumber of v-band observations usedSMALLINT
v_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from v-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
v_petroWeighted mean v-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
v_psfWeighted mean v-band PSF magnitudeREAL
z_apc05Weighted mean z-band aperture-corrected magnitude from flux in 5 arcsec diameterREAL
z_flagsBitwise OR of Source Extractor flags from z-band measurements in photometry tableSMALLINT
z_mmvarMagnitude range between minimum and maximum unclipped z-band PSF magnitudesREAL
z_nclipNumber of z-band observations with magnitudes clipped from the final PSF magnitude estimateSMALLINT
z_ngoodNumber of z-band observations usedSMALLINT
z_nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad or saturated or crosstalk-affected pixels masks from z-band measurements in photometry tableINTEGER
z_petroWeighted mean z-band Petrosian magnitudeREAL
z_psfWeighted mean z-band PSF magnitudeREAL