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Table: skymapper_dr4.photometry
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
aLength of object semi-major axis in pixelsREAL
bLength of object semi-minor axis in pixelsREAL
backgroundMean background level in countsDOUBLE
ccdCCD on which the object was detected (1-32)INTEGER
chi2_psfReduced Chi-squared of PSF fitREAL
class_starSource Extractor stellarity index (between 0=not star and 1=star)REAL
decl_imgICRS Declination of the object on this imageDOUBLE
e_aError in semi-major axisREAL
e_bError in semi-minor axisREAL
e_flux_ap02Error in 2 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap03Error in 3 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap04Error in 4 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap05Error in 5 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap06Error in 6 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap08Error in 8 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap10Error in 10 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap15Error in 15 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap20Error in 20 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_ap30Error in 30 arcsec aperture fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_kronError in Kron fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_petroError in Petrosian fluxDOUBLE
e_flux_psfError in PSF countsDOUBLE
e_mag_apc02Error in 2 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc03Error in 3 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc04Error in 4 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc05Error in 5 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc06Error in 6 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc08Error in 8 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apc10Error in 10 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apr15Error in 15 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apr20Error in 20 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_apr30Error in 30 arcsec aperture magnitudeREAL
e_mag_kronError in Kron magnitudeREAL
e_mag_petroError in Petrosian magnitudeREAL
e_mag_psfError in PSF magnitudeREAL
e_paError in position angleREAL
elongObject elongation (a/b)REAL
filterSkyMapper photometric filter (u, v, g, r, i, z)CHAR
flagsFlags raised by Source ExtractorSMALLINT
flux_ap02Total counts within 2 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap03Total counts within 3 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap04Total counts within 4 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap05Total counts within 5 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap06Total counts within 6 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap08Total counts within 8 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap10Total counts within 10 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap15Total counts within 15 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap20Total counts within 20 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_ap30Total counts within 30 arcsec diameter aperture centred on objectREAL
flux_kronTotal counts within Kron ellipseREAL
flux_maxPeak count above background of the brightest object pixelREAL
flux_petroTotal counts within Petrosian ellipseREAL
flux_psfTotal counts under PSF fitREAL
fwhmObject full width at half maximum on detectorREAL
imaflagsOR-combined flagged pixel types within isophotal radius from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel maskINTEGER
image_idUnique image ID as used by the Science Data PipelineBIGINT
img_qualQuality level of this image from 1=best to 3=worstSMALLINT
mag_apc02ZP-corrected magnitude within 2 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc03ZP-corrected magnitude within 3 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc04ZP-corrected magnitude within 4 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc05ZP-corrected magnitude within 5 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc06ZP-corrected magnitude within 6 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc08ZP-corrected magnitude within 8 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apc10ZP-corrected magnitude within 10 arcsec diameter aperture, corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apr15ZP-corrected magnitude within 15 arcsec diameter aperture, NOT corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apr20ZP-corrected magnitude within 20 arcsec diameter aperture, NOT corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_apr30ZP-corrected magnitude within 30 arcsec diameter aperture, NOT corrected for PSF lossesREAL
mag_kronZP-corrected Kron magnitudeDOUBLE
mag_petroZP-corrected Petrosian magnitudeDOUBLE
mag_psfZP-corrected PSF magnitudeREAL
mu_maxZP-corrected peak surface brightness of object above backgroundREAL
nimaflagsNumber of flagged pixels from bad, saturated, and crosstalk pixel maskINTEGER
object_idGlobal object ID in master table associated with this observation.BIGINT
object_id_localObject ID in this (image,CCD) tuple. Not globally unique.INTEGER
paObject ellipse position angle on sky (E of N, -90..+90 deg)REAL
ra_imgICRS Right Ascension of the object on this imageDOUBLE
radius_frac20Radius of circular aperture enclosing 20 per cent of total (Kron) fluxREAL
radius_frac50Radius of circular aperture enclosing 50 per cent of total (Kron) flux (i.e. half-light radius)REAL
radius_frac90Radius of circular aperture enclosing 90 per cent of total (Kron) fluxREAL
radius_kronRadius of Kron ellipse in units of a and bREAL
radius_petroRadius of Petrosian ellipse in units of a and bREAL
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
use_in_clippedFlag indicating whether this observation was used in computing the clipped mean magnitudes in the master tableSMALLINT
x_imgCCD x-pixel coordinate of the object on this imageREAL
x_mosaicMosaic x-pixel coordinate of the object on this imageREAL
y_imgCCD y-pixel coordinate of the object on this imageREAL
y_mosaicMosaic y-pixel coordinate of the object on this imageREAL