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Table: smash_dr1.field
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
dec | Declination (J2000.0) of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
fieldid | SMASH Field ID | SMALLINT |
gcalib | Is the g-band data calibrated? | SMALLINT |
glat | Galactic latitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | BIGINT |
icalib | Is the i-band data calibrated? | SMALLINT |
mslat | Magellanic Stream latitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
mslon | Magellanic Stream longitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
name | SMASH Field name | CHAR |
nchips | Number of chips for this field | INTEGER |
nest4096 | Nested-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=4096 (~1 arcmin resolution) | BIGINT |
nexp | Number of total exposures of field | SMALLINT |
nexp_g | Number of g-band exposures | SMALLINT |
nexp_i | Number of i-band exposures | SMALLINT |
nexp_r | Number of r-band exposures | SMALLINT |
nexp_u | Number of u-band exposures | SMALLINT |
nexp_z | Number of z-band exposures | SMALLINT |
nobj | Number of objects for this field | INTEGER |
nsrc | Number of sources for this field | INTEGER |
ra | Right Ascension (J2000.0) of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
rcalib | Is the r-band data calibrated? | SMALLINT |
ring256 | Ring-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=256 (~14 arcmin resolution) | BIGINT |
ucalib | Is the u-band data calibrated? | SMALLINT |
zcalib | Is the z-band data calibrated? | SMALLINT |