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Table: smash_dr2.chip
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
airmass | Airmass | REAL |
alf_depth | Median ALLFRAME depth, instrumental mags | REAL |
alf_nsources | Total number of DAOPHOT/ALLFRAME sources | INTEGER |
apcor | Aperture correction | REAL |
badsoln | Did we have a good transformation equation/solution for these data | SMALLINT |
base | Base of all files for this chip | CHAR |
calib_amterm | Transformation equation airmass/extinction term | REAL |
calib_amtermsig | Transformation equation uncertainty in airmass/extinction term | REAL |
calib_band | Transformation equation band name | CHAR |
calib_colband | Transformation equation band name to construct the color | CHAR |
calib_colsign | Trans. eqn. sign: 1 - color=band-colband; -1 - color=colband-band | SMALLINT |
calib_colterm | Transformation equation color term | REAL |
calib_coltermsig | Sigma of color term in calibration | REAL |
calib_zpterm | Transformation equation zeropoint term | REAL |
calib_zptermsig | Transformation equation uncertainty in zeropoint term | REAL |
calibrated | Is this chip calibrated or not | SMALLINT |
chip | Chip number (1-62) | SMALLINT |
chipid | Unique chip image name, e.g. 00123451_10 | CHAR |
dao_depth | ALLSTAR depth (peak of the source histogram), instrumental mags | REAL |
dao_npsfstars | Number of stars used to construct PSF | INTEGER |
dao_nsources | Total number of DAOPHOT/ALLSTAR sources in chip | INTEGER |
dao_psfboxsize | PSF box size in pixels | INTEGER |
dao_psfchi | DAOPHOT PSF chi goodness-of-fit value | REAL |
dao_psftype | Analytical function type for DAOPHOT PSF | CHAR |
dao_psfvarorder | Spatial PSF variations, -1 to 2 | INTEGER |
dateobs | Observation timestamp: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.SSSSSS | CHAR |
dec | Declination at center of chip (in degrees) | DOUBLE |
ebv | Median SFD E(B-V) for this chip | REAL |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
expnum | Eight-digit exposure number | CHAR |
exptime | Exposure time in seconds | REAL |
fieldid | SMASH Field ID | SMALLINT |
file | Filename for this chip | CHAR |
filter | Filter, u, g, r, i, or z | CHAR |
fwhm | FWHM of PSF (i.e. seeing) in pixels (multiply by 0.26 to get arcsec) | REAL |
gaiawcsnmatch | GAIA DR1 matches used for the astrometric fitting | INTEGER |
gaiawcsrms | The RMS of the residuals using the GAIA DR1 reference stars | REAL |
gain | Gain, electrons/ADU | REAL |
glat | Galactic latitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude of field, in degrees | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size) | INTEGER |
mjd | Observation Modified Julian Date | DOUBLE |
nest4096 | HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size) | INTEGER |
nsrc | Number of sources in SOURCE table for this chip | INTEGER |
nx | Number of pixels in X-dimension | INTEGER |
ny | Number of pixels in Y-dimension | INTEGER |
photometric | Is this from a photometric night | SMALLINT |
photred_field | Short field name for the PHOTRED reduction | CHAR |
pixscale | Arcsec per pixel | REAL |
ra | Right ascension at center of chip (in degrees) | DOUBLE |
rdnoise | Read noise, electrons | REAL |
refexpnum | Exposure number for the reference frame | CHAR |
ring256 | HEALPix ring nside=256 index | INTEGER |
skymode | Median sky background level | REAL |
skysig | Sigma in sky background | REAL |
ubercal_flag | Ubercal flag: 0-none, 1-good, 2-med exp+chip, 3-med exp+std chip | SMALLINT |
ubercal_magoffset | The magnitude offset applied from the ubercal algorithm | REAL |
vertex_dec1 | First DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec2 | Second DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec3 | Third DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_dec4 | Fourth DEC value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra1 | First RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra2 | Second RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra3 | Third RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
vertex_ra4 | Fourth RA value for the four corners of the chip | DOUBLE |
wcsrms | RMS in WCS fit with respect to reference catalog in arcsec | REAL |
wcstype | WCS type, always TPV | CHAR |
zpcalib_magofferr | The uncertainty in the zero-point offset | REAL |
zpcalib_magoffset | The zero-point offset used for this chip | REAL |
zpcalibflag | ZP calib type: 1-phot DECam, 2-overlap, 3-0.9m, 4-GAIA relations | SMALLINT |