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Table: splus_dr2.star_galaxy_quasar_class
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
classIndicates the class of the source. 0 = QSO, 1 = star, 2 = galaxy.SMALLINT
decDeclination J2000 [deg]DOUBLE
idS-PLUS ID on this data releaseVARCHAR
model_flagIndicates by which model the classification was obtained. 0 = RF18, 1 = RF16. Where RF18 is the trained model from 12 S-PLUS ISO magnitudes (AB) + 2 WISE magnitudes (Vega) + 4 morphological features (FWHM_n, A, B, KRON_RADIUS) and RF16 is the trained model from 12 S-PLUS ISO magnitudes (AB) + 4 morphological features (FWHM_n, A, B, KRON_RADIUS).SMALLINT
prob_galProbability that the object is a galaxy, between 0 and 1.DOUBLE
prob_qsoProbability that the object is a QSO, between 0 and 1.DOUBLE
prob_starProbability that the object is a star, between 0 and 1.DOUBLE
raRight ascension J2000 [deg]DOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL

Astro Data Lab