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Table: splus_dr4.dual
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
aProfile RMS along major axisREAL
bProfile RMS along minor axisREAL
backgroundInstrumental background at centroid positionREAL
background_gInstrumental background at centroid position in g filterREAL
background_iInstrumental background at centroid position in i filterREAL
background_j0378Instrumental background at centroid position in j0378 filterREAL
background_j0395Instrumental background at centroid position in j0395 filterREAL
background_j0410Instrumental background at centroid position in j0410 filterREAL
background_j0430Instrumental background at centroid position in j0430 filterREAL
background_j0515Instrumental background at centroid position in j0515 filterREAL
background_j0660Instrumental background at centroid position in j0660 filterREAL
background_j0861Instrumental background at centroid position in j0861 filterREAL
background_rInstrumental background at centroid position in r filterREAL
background_uInstrumental background at centroid position in u filterREAL
background_zInstrumental background at centroid position in z filterREAL
calib_stratName given to calibration strategy used in this fieldVARCHAR
class_starS/G classifier output (1: star; 0: non-star)REAL
decDeclination of barycenter (J2000) of the source in this filterDOUBLE
det_id_dualGenerated ID for the source in the detection catalogueVARCHAR
e_g_aper_3Error for g_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_g_aper_6Error for g_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_g_autoError for g_auto magnitudeREAL
e_g_isoError for g_iso magnitudeREAL
e_g_petroError for g_petro magnitudeREAL
e_g_pstotalError for g_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_i_aper_3Error for i_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_i_aper_6Error for i_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_i_autoError for i_auto magnitudeREAL
e_i_isoError for i_iso magnitudeREAL
e_i_petroError for i_petro magnitudeREAL
e_i_pstotalError for i_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_aper_3Error for j0378_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_aper_6Error for j0378_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_autoError for j0378_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_isoError for j0378_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_petroError for j0378_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0378_pstotalError for j0378_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_aper_3Error for j0395_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_aper_6Error for j0395_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_autoError for j0395_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_isoError for j0395_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_petroError for j0395_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0395_pstotalError for j0395_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_aper_3Error for j0410_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_aper_6Error for j0410_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_autoError for j0410_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_isoError for j0410_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_petroError for j0410_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0410_pstotalError for j0410_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_aper_3Error for j0430_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_aper_6Error for j0430_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_autoError for j0430_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_isoError for j0430_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_petroError for j0430_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0430_pstotalError for j0430_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_aper_3Error for j0515_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_aper_6Error for j0515_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_autoError for j0515_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_isoError for j0515_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_petroError for j0515_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0515_pstotalError for j0515_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_aper_3Error for j0660_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_aper_6Error for j0660_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_autoError for j0660_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_isoError for j0660_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_petroError for j0660_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0660_pstotalError for j0660_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_aper_3Error for j0861_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_aper_6Error for j0861_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_autoError for j0861_auto magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_isoError for j0861_iso magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_petroError for j0861_petro magnitudeREAL
e_j0861_pstotalError for j0861_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_r_aper_3Error for r_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_r_aper_6Error for r_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_r_autoError for r_auto magnitudeREAL
e_r_isoError for r_iso magnitudeREAL
e_r_petroError for r_petro magnitudeREAL
e_r_pstotalError for r_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_u_aper_3Error for u_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_u_aper_6Error for u_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_u_autoError for u_auto magnitudeREAL
e_u_isoError for u_iso magnitudeREAL
e_u_petroError for u_petro magnitudeREAL
e_u_pstotalError for u_pstotal magnitudeREAL
e_z_aper_3Error for z_aper_3 magnitudeREAL
e_z_aper_6Error for z_aper_6 magnitudeREAL
e_z_autoError for z_auto magnitudeREAL
e_z_isoError for z_iso magnitudeREAL
e_z_petroError for z_petro magnitudeREAL
e_z_pstotalError for z_pstotal magnitudeREAL
ebv_schextinction E_{B-V} given by Schlegel et al. (1998) maps for the sources RA and DECREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
ellipticity1 - B_IMAGE/A_IMAGEREAL
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
fieldName of S-PLUS fieldVARCHAR
flux_radius_20Radius enclosing 20% of the total fluxREAL
flux_radius_50Radius enclosing 50% of the total fluxREAL
flux_radius_70Radius enclosing 70% of the total fluxREAL
flux_radius_90Radius enclosing 90% of the total fluxREAL
fwhmFWHM assuming a Gaussian coreREAL
fwhm_gFWHM assuming a Gaussian core in g filterREAL
fwhm_iFWHM assuming a Gaussian core in i filterREAL
fwhm_j0378FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0378 filterREAL
fwhm_j0395FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0395 filterREAL
fwhm_j0410FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0410 filterREAL
fwhm_j0430FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0430 filterREAL
fwhm_j0515FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0515 filterREAL
fwhm_j0660FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0660 filterREAL
fwhm_j0861FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0861 filterREAL
fwhm_nNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian coreREAL
fwhm_n_gNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in g filterREAL
fwhm_n_iNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in i filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0378Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0378 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0395Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0395 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0410Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0410 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0430Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0430 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0515Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0515 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0660Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0660 filterREAL
fwhm_n_j0861Normalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in j0861 filterREAL
fwhm_n_rNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in r filterREAL
fwhm_n_uNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in u filterREAL
fwhm_n_zNormalized FWHM assuming a Gaussian core in z filterREAL
fwhm_rFWHM assuming a Gaussian core in r filterREAL
fwhm_uFWHM assuming a Gaussian core in u filterREAL
fwhm_zFWHM assuming a Gaussian core in z filterREAL
g_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in g filterREAL
g_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in g filterREAL
g_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in g filterREAL
g_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
g_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in g filterREAL
g_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in g filterREAL
g_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in g filterREAL
glatGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
glonGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
i_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in i filterREAL
i_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in i filterREAL
i_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in i filterREAL
i_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
i_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in i filterREAL
i_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in i filterREAL
i_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in i filterREAL
id_decDeclination (J2000) associated with this IDREAL
id_raRight ascension (J2000) associated with this IDREAL
isoareaIsophotal area above ANALYSIS_THRESHREAL
j0378_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0378_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0378_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0378_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0378_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0378_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0378_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0378 filterREAL
j0395_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0395_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0395_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0395_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0395_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0395_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0395_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0395 filterREAL
j0410_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0410_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0410_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0410_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0410_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0410_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0410_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0410 filterREAL
j0430_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0430_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0430_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0430_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0430_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0430_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0430_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0430 filterREAL
j0515_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0515_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0515_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0515_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0515_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0515_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0515_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0515 filterREAL
j0660_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0660_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0660_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0660_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0660_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0660_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0660_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0660 filterREAL
j0861_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in j0861 filterREAL
j0861_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in j0861 filterREAL
j0861_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in j0861 filterREAL
j0861_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
j0861_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in j0861 filterREAL
j0861_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in j0861 filterREAL
j0861_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in j0861 filterREAL
kron_radiusKron radius in units of A or BREAL
mu_max_gPeak surface brightness above background in g filterREAL
mu_max_iPeak surface brightness above background in i filterREAL
mu_max_instInstrumental Peak surface brightness above the backgroundREAL
mu_max_j0378Peak surface brightness above background in j0378 filterREAL
mu_max_j0395Peak surface brightness above background in j0395 filterREAL
mu_max_j0410Peak surface brightness above background in j0410 filterREAL
mu_max_j0430Peak surface brightness above background in j0430 filterREAL
mu_max_j0515Peak surface brightness above background in j0515 filterREAL
mu_max_j0660Peak surface brightness above background in j0660 filterREAL
mu_max_j0861Peak surface brightness above background in j0861 filterREAL
mu_max_rPeak surface brightness above background in r filterREAL
mu_max_uPeak surface brightness above background in u filterREAL
mu_max_zPeak surface brightness above background in z filterREAL
mu_threshold_gDetection threshold above background in g filterREAL
mu_threshold_iDetection threshold above background in i filterREAL
mu_threshold_instInstrumental Detection threshold above backgroundREAL
mu_threshold_j0378Detection threshold above background in j0378 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0395Detection threshold above background in j0395 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0410Detection threshold above background in j0410 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0430Detection threshold above background in j0430 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0515Detection threshold above background in j0515 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0660Detection threshold above background in j0660 filterREAL
mu_threshold_j0861Detection threshold above background in j0861 filterREAL
mu_threshold_rDetection threshold above background in r filterREAL
mu_threshold_uDetection threshold above background in u filterREAL
mu_threshold_zDetection threshold above background in z filterREAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nside 4096, Ring scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
petro_radiusPetrosian apertures in units of A or BREAL
phot_id_dec_dualSame as DECDOUBLE
phot_id_dualSame as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
phot_id_ra_dualSame as RADOUBLE
r_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in r filterREAL
r_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in r filterREAL
r_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in r filterREAL
r_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
r_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in r filterREAL
r_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in r filterREAL
r_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in r filterREAL
raRight ascension of barycenter (J2000) of the source in this filterDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nside 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
s2n_det_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_det_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_det_autoSignal to noise ratio of auto measurementREAL
s2n_det_isoSignal to noise ratio of iso measurementREAL
s2n_det_petroSignal to noise ratio of petro measurementREAL
s2n_det_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_g_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of g_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_g_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of g_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_g_autoSignal to noise ratio of g_auto measurementREAL
s2n_g_isoSignal to noise ratio of g_iso measurementREAL
s2n_g_petroSignal to noise ratio of g_petro measurementREAL
s2n_g_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of g_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_i_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of i_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_i_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of i_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_i_autoSignal to noise ratio of i_auto measurementREAL
s2n_i_isoSignal to noise ratio of i_iso measurementREAL
s2n_i_petroSignal to noise ratio of i_petro measurementREAL
s2n_i_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of i_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0378_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0378_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0378_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0378_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0378_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0378_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0378_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0395_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0395_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0395_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0395_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0395_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0395_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0395_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0410_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0410_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0410_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0410_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0410_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0410_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0410_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0430_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0430_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0430_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0430_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0430_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0430_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0430_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0515_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0515_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0515_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0515_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0515_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0515_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0515_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0660_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0660_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0660_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0660_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0660_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0660_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0660_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of j0861_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of j0861_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_autoSignal to noise ratio of j0861_auto measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_isoSignal to noise ratio of j0861_iso measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_petroSignal to noise ratio of j0861_petro measurementREAL
s2n_j0861_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of j0861_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_r_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of r_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_r_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of r_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_r_autoSignal to noise ratio of r_auto measurementREAL
s2n_r_isoSignal to noise ratio of r_iso measurementREAL
s2n_r_petroSignal to noise ratio of r_petro measurementREAL
s2n_r_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of r_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_u_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of u_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_u_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of u_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_u_autoSignal to noise ratio of u_auto measurementREAL
s2n_u_isoSignal to noise ratio of u_iso measurementREAL
s2n_u_petroSignal to noise ratio of u_petro measurementREAL
s2n_u_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of u_pstotal measurementREAL
s2n_z_aper_3Signal to noise ratio of z_aper_3 measurementREAL
s2n_z_aper_6Signal to noise ratio of z_aper_6 measurementREAL
s2n_z_autoSignal to noise ratio of z_auto measurementREAL
s2n_z_isoSignal to noise ratio of z_iso measurementREAL
s2n_z_petroSignal to noise ratio of z_petro measurementREAL
s2n_z_pstotalSignal to noise ratio of z_pstotal measurementREAL
sex_flags_detSExtractors Extraction flagsSMALLINT
sex_flags_gSExtractors Extraction flags in g filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_iSExtractors Extraction flags in i filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0378SExtractors Extraction flags in j0378 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0395SExtractors Extraction flags in j0395 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0410SExtractors Extraction flags in j0410 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0430SExtractors Extraction flags in j0430 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0515SExtractors Extraction flags in j0515 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0660SExtractors Extraction flags in j0660 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_j0861SExtractors Extraction flags in j0861 filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_rSExtractors Extraction flags in r filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_uSExtractors Extraction flags in u filterSMALLINT
sex_flags_zSExtractors Extraction flags in z filterSMALLINT
sex_number_detSExtractors Running object numberINTEGER
sex_number_gSExtractors Running object number in g filterINTEGER
sex_number_iSExtractors Running object number in i filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0378SExtractors Running object number in j0378 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0395SExtractors Running object number in j0395 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0410SExtractors Running object number in j0410 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0430SExtractors Running object number in j0430 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0515SExtractors Running object number in j0515 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0660SExtractors Running object number in j0660 filterINTEGER
sex_number_j0861SExtractors Running object number in j0861 filterINTEGER
sex_number_rSExtractors Running object number in r filterINTEGER
sex_number_uSExtractors Running object number in u filterINTEGER
sex_number_zSExtractors Running object number in z filterINTEGER
thetaPosition angle (CCW/World-x)REAL
thresholdInstrumental detection threshold above backgroundREAL
threshold_gInstrumental detection threshold above background in g filterREAL
threshold_iInstrumental detection threshold above background in i filterREAL
threshold_j0378Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0378 filterREAL
threshold_j0395Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0395 filterREAL
threshold_j0410Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0410 filterREAL
threshold_j0430Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0430 filterREAL
threshold_j0515Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0515 filterREAL
threshold_j0660Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0660 filterREAL
threshold_j0861Instrumental detection threshold above background in j0861 filterREAL
threshold_rInstrumental detection threshold above background in r filterREAL
threshold_uInstrumental detection threshold above background in u filterREAL
threshold_zInstrumental detection threshold above background in z filterREAL
u_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in u filterREAL
u_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in u filterREAL
u_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in u filterREAL
u_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
u_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in u filterREAL
u_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in u filterREAL
u_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in u filterREAL
xObject position along xREAL
yObject position along yREAL
z_aper_3AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_3 measurement in z filterREAL
z_aper_6AB-Calibrated magnitude for the aper_6 measurement in z filterREAL
z_autoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the auto measurement in z filterREAL
z_id_dualIn dual mode, same as DET_ID_dualVARCHAR
z_isoAB-Calibrated magnitude for the iso measurement in z filterREAL
z_petroAB-Calibrated magnitude for the petro measurement in z filterREAL
z_pstotalAB-Calibrated magnitude for the pstotal measurement in z filterREAL