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Table: stripe82.gaia_dr1
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
astrometric_delta_qHipparcos/Gaia data discrepancyREAL
astrometric_excess_noiseExcess noise of the sourceDOUBLE
astrometric_excess_noise_sigSignificance of excess noiseDOUBLE
astrometric_n_bad_obs_acNumber of bad observations ACINTEGER
astrometric_n_bad_obs_alNumber of bad observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_n_good_obs_acNumber of good observations ACINTEGER
astrometric_n_good_obs_alNumber of good observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_n_obs_acTotal number of observations ACSMALLINT
astrometric_n_obs_alTotal number of observations ALSMALLINT
astrometric_primary_flagPrimary or secondaySMALLINT
astrometric_priors_usedType of prior used in the astrometric solutionINTEGER
astrometric_relegation_factorRelegation factor of the sourceREAL
astrometric_weight_acMean astrometric weight of the sourceREAL
astrometric_weight_alMean astrometric weight of the sourceDOUBLE
bGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
dec_errorStandard error of declinationDOUBLE
dec_parallax_corrCorrelation between declination and parallaxDOUBLE
dec_pmdec_corrCorrelation between declination and proper motion in declinationDOUBLE
dec_pmra_corrCorrelation between declination and proper motion in right ascensionDOUBLE
duplicated_sourceSource with duplicate sourcesSMALLINT
ecl_latEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
ecl_lonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
htm9Ninth level (~10 arcmin resolution) Hierarchical Triangular Mesh index (Szalay et al. 2007)INTEGER
lGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
matched_observationsAmount of observations matched to this sourceSMALLINT
nest256HEALPIX index (Nsides 256, Nest scheme => ~14 arcmin size)BIGINT
parallax_errorStandard error of parallaxDOUBLE
parallax_pmdec_corrCorrelation between parallax and proper motion in declinationDOUBLE
parallax_pmra_corrCorrelation between parallax and proper motion in right ascensionDOUBLE
phot_g_mean_fluxG-band mean fluxDOUBLE
phot_g_mean_flux_errorError on G-band mean fluxDOUBLE
phot_g_mean_magG-band mean magnitudeDOUBLE
phot_g_n_obsNumber of observations contributing to G photometrySMALLINT
phot_variable_flagPhotometric variability flagCHAR
pmdecProper motion in declination directionDOUBLE
pmdec_errorStandard error of proper motion in declination directionDOUBLE
pmraProper motion in right ascension directionDOUBLE
pmra_errorStandard error of proper motion in right ascension directionDOUBLE
pmra_pmdec_corrCorrelation between proper motion in right ascension and proper motion in declinationDOUBLE
raRight ascensionDOUBLE
ra_dec_corrCorrelation between right ascension and declinationDOUBLE
ra_errorStandard error of right ascensionDOUBLE
ra_parallax_corrCorrelation between right ascension and parallaxDOUBLE
ra_pmdec_corrCorrelation between right ascension and proper motion in declinationDOUBLE
ra_pmra_corrCorrelation between right ascension and proper motion in right ascensionDOUBLE
random_indexRandom index used to select subsetsINTEGER
ref_epochReference epochREAL
ring256Ring-scheme HEALPix (Gorski et al. 2005) index with NSIDE=256 (~14 arcmin resolution)INTEGER
scan_direction_mean_k1Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k2Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k3Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_mean_k4Mean position angle of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k1Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k2Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k3Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
scan_direction_strength_k4Degree of concentration of scan directions across the sourceREAL
solution_idSolution IdentifierBIGINT
source_idUnique source identifier (unique within a particular Data Release)BIGINT