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Table: ukidss_dr11plus.gpssource
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
bGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
chi2Chi-squared value of proper motion solutionREAL
cueventidUID of curation event giving rise to this recordINTEGER
cxunit vector of spherical co-ordinatesDOUBLE
cyunit vector of spherical co-ordinatesDOUBLE
czunit vector of spherical co-ordinatesDOUBLE
decCelestial DeclinationDOUBLE
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
epochEpoch of position measurementDOUBLE
etaSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2DOUBLE
framesetidUID of the set of frames that this merged source comes fromBIGINT
h2apermag1Default point source H2 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2apermag1errError in point source H2 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2apermag3Default point source H2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2apermag3errError in default point source H2 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2apermag4Point source H2 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2apermag4errError in point source H2 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
h2classdiscrete image classification flag in H2SMALLINT
h2classstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in H2REAL
h2deblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in H2INTEGER
h2ell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in H2REAL
h2errbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in H2INTEGER
h2etaOffset of H2 detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
h2gausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in H2REAL
h2hallmagTotal point source H2 magREAL
h2hallmagerrError in total point source H2 magREAL
h2paellipse fit celestial orientation in H2REAL
h2petromagExtended source H2 mag (Petrosian)REAL
h2petromagerrError in extended source H2 mag (Petrosian)REAL
h2pperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in H2INTEGER
h2psfmagPoint source profile-fitted H2 magREAL
h2psfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted H2 magREAL
h2seqnumthe running number of the H2 detectionINTEGER
h2sermag2dExtended source H2 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
h2sermag2derrError in extended source H2 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
h2xiOffset of H2 detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
hapermag1Default point source H aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermag1errError in point source H mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermag3Default point source H aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermag3errError in default point source H mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermag4Point source H aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermag4errError in point source H mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hclassdiscrete image classification flag in HSMALLINT
hclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in HREAL
hdeblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in HINTEGER
hell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in HREAL
herrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in HINTEGER
hetaOffset of H detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
hgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in HREAL
hhallmagTotal point source H magREAL
hhallmagerrError in total point source H magREAL
hmk_1extExtended source colour H-K_1 (using aperMag3)REAL
hmk_1exterrError on extended source colour H-K_1REAL
hmk_1pntPoint source colour H-K_1 (using aperMag3)REAL
hmk_1pnterrError on point source colour H-K_1REAL
hmkextExtended source colour H-K (using aperMag3)REAL
hmkexterrError on extended source colour H-KREAL
hmkpntPoint source colour H-K (using aperMag3)REAL
hmkpnterrError on point source colour H-KREAL
hpaellipse fit celestial orientation in HREAL
hpetromagExtended source H mag (Petrosian)REAL
hpetromagerrError in extended source H mag (Petrosian)REAL
hpperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in HINTEGER
hpsfmagPoint source profile-fitted H magREAL
hpsfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted H magREAL
hseqnumthe running number of the H detectionINTEGER
hsermag2dExtended source H mag (profile-fitted)REAL
hsermag2derrError in extended source H mag (profile-fitted)REAL
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)INTEGER
htmidHierarchical Triangular Mesh (HTM) index, 20 deep, for equatorial co-ordinatesBIGINT
hxiOffset of H detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
japermag1Default point source J aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermag1errError in point source J mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermag3Default point source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermag3errError in default point source J mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermag4Point source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermag4errError in point source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
jclassdiscrete image classification flag in JSMALLINT
jclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in JREAL
jdeblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in JINTEGER
jell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in JREAL
jerrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in JINTEGER
jetaOffset of J detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
jgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in JREAL
jhallmagTotal point source J magREAL
jhallmagerrError in total point source J magREAL
jmhextExtended source colour J-H (using aperMag3)REAL
jmhexterrError on extended source colour J-HREAL
jmhpntPoint source colour J-H (using aperMag3)REAL
jmhpnterrError on point source colour J-HREAL
jpaellipse fit celestial orientation in JREAL
jpetromagExtended source J mag (Petrosian)REAL
jpetromagerrError in extended source J mag (Petrosian)REAL
jpperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in JINTEGER
jpsfmagPoint source profile-fitted J magREAL
jpsfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted J magREAL
jseqnumthe running number of the J detectionINTEGER
jsermag2dExtended source J mag (profile-fitted)REAL
jsermag2derrError in extended source J mag (profile-fitted)REAL
jxiOffset of J detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
k_1apermag1Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1apermag1errError in point source K_1 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1apermag3Default point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1apermag3errError in default point source K_1 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1apermag4Point source K_1 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1apermag4errError in point source K_1 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_1classdiscrete image classification flag in K_1SMALLINT
k_1classstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K_1REAL
k_1deblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_1INTEGER
k_1ell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K_1REAL
k_1errbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in K_1INTEGER
k_1etaOffset of K_1 detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
k_1gausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in K_1REAL
k_1hallmagTotal point source K_1 magREAL
k_1hallmagerrError in total point source K_1 magREAL
k_1paellipse fit celestial orientation in K_1REAL
k_1petromagExtended source K_1 mag (Petrosian)REAL
k_1petromagerrError in extended source K_1 mag (Petrosian)REAL
k_1pperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_1INTEGER
k_1psfmagPoint source profile-fitted K_1 magREAL
k_1psfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted K_1 magREAL
k_1seqnumthe running number of the K_1 detectionINTEGER
k_1sermag2dExtended source K_1 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
k_1sermag2derrError in extended source K_1 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
k_1xiOffset of K_1 detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
k_2apermag1Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2apermag1errError in point source K_2 mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2apermag3Default point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2apermag3errError in default point source K_2 mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2apermag4Point source K_2 aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2apermag4errError in point source K_2 mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
k_2classdiscrete image classification flag in K_2SMALLINT
k_2classstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in K_2REAL
k_2deblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in K_2INTEGER
k_2ell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in K_2REAL
k_2errbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in K_2INTEGER
k_2etaOffset of K_2 detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
k_2gausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in K_2REAL
k_2hallmagTotal point source K_2 magREAL
k_2hallmagerrError in total point source K_2 magREAL
k_2paellipse fit celestial orientation in K_2REAL
k_2petromagExtended source K_2 mag (Petrosian)REAL
k_2petromagerrError in extended source K_2 mag (Petrosian)REAL
k_2pperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in K_2INTEGER
k_2psfmagPoint source profile-fitted K_2 magREAL
k_2psfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted K_2 magREAL
k_2seqnumthe running number of the K_2 detectionINTEGER
k_2sermag2dExtended source K_2 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
k_2sermag2derrError in extended source K_2 mag (profile-fitted)REAL
k_2xiOffset of K_2 detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
kapermag1Default point source K aperture corrected mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kapermag1errError in point source K mag (1.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kapermag3Default point source K aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kapermag3errError in default point source K mag (2.0 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kapermag4Point source K aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kapermag4errError in point source K mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
kclassdiscrete image classification flag in KSMALLINT
kclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in KREAL
kdeblendplaceholder flag indicating parent/child relation in KINTEGER
kell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in KREAL
kerrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in KINTEGER
ketaOffset of K detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
kgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in KREAL
khallmagTotal point source K magREAL
khallmagerrError in total point source K magREAL
kpaellipse fit celestial orientation in KREAL
kpetromagExtended source K mag (Petrosian)REAL
kpetromagerrError in extended source K mag (Petrosian)REAL
kpperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in KINTEGER
kpsfmagPoint source profile-fitted K magREAL
kpsfmagerrError in point source profile-fitted K magREAL
kseqnumthe running number of the K detectionINTEGER
ksermag2dExtended source K mag (profile-fitted)REAL
ksermag2derrError in extended source K mag (profile-fitted)REAL
kxiOffset of K detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
lGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
lambdaSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1DOUBLE
mergedclassClass flag from available measurements (1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=galaxy|noise|stellar|probableStar|probableGalaxy|saturated)SMALLINT
mergedclassstatMerged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statisticREAL
mudecProper motion in Dec directionREAL
muraProper motion in RA directionREAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nside 4096, Ring scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
nframesNo. of frames used for this proper motion measurementSMALLINT
pgalaxyProbability that the source is a galaxyREAL
pnoiseProbability that the source is noiseREAL
priorsecSeam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) source (eg. flags overlap duplicates).BIGINT
psaturatedProbability that the source is saturatedREAL
pstarProbability that the source is a starREAL
raCelestial Right AscensionDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPIX index (Nside 256, Ring scheme => ~14 arcmin size)INTEGER
sigdecUncertainty in DecREAL
sigmudecError on proper motion in Dec directionREAL
sigmuraError on proper motion in RA directionREAL
sigraUncertainty in RAREAL
sourceidUID (unique over entire WSA via programme ID prefix) of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithmBIGINT