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Table: vhs_dr5.vhs_cat_v3
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
ahThe galactic extinction correction in the H bandREAL
ajThe galactic extinction correction in the J bandREAL
aksThe galactic extinction correction in the Ks bandREAL
ayThe galactic extinction correction in the Y bandREAL
bGalactic latitudeDOUBLE
cueventidUID of curation event giving rise to this recordINTEGER
dec2000Celestial DeclinationDOUBLE
ebvThe galactic dust extinction value measured from the Schlegel mapsREAL
elatEcliptic latitudeDOUBLE
elonEcliptic longitudeDOUBLE
etaSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 2DOUBLE
framesetidUID of the set of frames that this merged source comes fromBIGINT
hapermag3Default point source H aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
hapermag3errError in default point/extended source H magREAL
hapermag4Point source H aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
hapermag4errError in point/extended source H mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
hapermag6Point source H aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
hapermag6errError in point/extended source H mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
hapermagnoapercorr3Default extended source H aperture mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
hapermagnoapercorr4Extended source H aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
hapermagnoapercorr6Extended source H aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
haverageconfaverage confidence in 2 arcsec diam default aperture 3 HREAL
hclassdiscrete image classification flag in HSMALLINT
hclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in HREAL
hell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in HREAL
herrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in HINTEGER
hetaOffset of H detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
hgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in HREAL
hhlcorsmjradasSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in H bandREAL
hmjdModified Julian Day in H bandDOUBLE
hmksextExtended source colour H-Ks (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)REAL
hmksexterrError on extended source colour H-KsREAL
hmkspntPoint source colour H-Ks (using aperMag3)REAL
hmkspnterrError on point source colour H-KsREAL
hpaellipse fit celestial orientation in HREAL
hpetromagExtended source H mag (Petrosian)REAL
hpetromagerrError in extended source H mag (Petrosian)REAL
hpperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in HINTEGER
hseqnumthe running number of the H detectionINTEGER
htm9HTM index (order 9 => ~10 arcmin size)DOUBLE
hxiOffset of H detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
japermag3Default point source J aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
japermag3errError in default point/extended source J magREAL
japermag4Point source J aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
japermag4errError in point/extended source J mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
japermag6Point source J aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
japermag6errError in point/extended source J mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
japermagnoapercorr3Default extended source J aperture mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
japermagnoapercorr4Extended source J aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
japermagnoapercorr6Extended source J aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
javerageconfaverage confidence in 2 arcsec diam default aperture 3 JREAL
jclassdiscrete image classification flag in JSMALLINT
jclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in JREAL
jell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in JREAL
jerrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in JINTEGER
jetaOffset of J detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
jgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in JREAL
jhlcorsmjradasSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in J bandREAL
jmhextExtended source colour J-H (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)REAL
jmhexterrError on extended source colour J-HREAL
jmhpntPoint source colour J-H (using aperMag3)REAL
jmhpnterrError on point source colour J-HREAL
jmjdModified Julian Day in J bandDOUBLE
jmksextExtended source colour J-Ks (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)REAL
jmksexterrError on extended source colour J-KsREAL
jmkspntPoint source colour J-Ks (using aperMag3)REAL
jmkspnterrError on point source colour J-KsREAL
jpaellipse fit celestial orientation in JREAL
jpetromagExtended source J mag (Petrosian)REAL
jpetromagerrError in extended source J mag (Petrosian)REAL
jpperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in JINTEGER
jseqnumthe running number of the J detectionINTEGER
jxiOffset of J detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
ksapermag3Default point source Ks aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
ksapermag3errError in default point/extended source Ks magREAL
ksapermag4Point source Ks aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
ksapermag4errError in point/extended source Ks mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
ksapermag6Point source Ks aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
ksapermag6errError in point/extended source Ks mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
ksapermagnoapercorr3Default extended source Ks aperture mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
ksapermagnoapercorr4Extended source Ks aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
ksapermagnoapercorr6Extended source Ks aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
ksaverageconfaverage confidence in 2 arcsec diam default aperture 3 KsREAL
ksclassdiscrete image classification flag in KsSMALLINT
ksclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in KsREAL
ksell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in KsREAL
kserrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in KsINTEGER
ksetaOffset of Ks detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
ksgausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in KsREAL
kshlcorsmjradasSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Ks bandREAL
ksmjdModified Julian Day in Ks bandDOUBLE
kspaellipse fit celestial orientation in KsREAL
kspetromagExtended source Ks mag (Petrosian)REAL
kspetromagerrError in extended source Ks mag (Petrosian)REAL
kspperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in KsINTEGER
ksseqnumthe running number of the Ks detectionINTEGER
ksxiOffset of Ks detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL
lGalactic longitudeDOUBLE
lambdaSDSS system spherical co-ordinate 1DOUBLE
mergedclassClass flag,1|0|-1|-2|-3|-9=gal|noise|star|probStar|probGal|saturatedSMALLINT
mergedclassstatMerged N(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statisticREAL
nest4096HEALPIX index (Nsides 4096, Nest scheme => ~52 arcsec size)INTEGER
pgalaxyProbability that the source is a galaxyREAL
pnoiseProbability that the source is noiseREAL
primary_sourceFlag indicates primary sources (=1), otherwise (=0)DOUBLE
priorsecSeam code for a unique (=0) or duplicated (!=0) sourceBIGINT
psaturatedProbability that the source is saturatedREAL
pstarProbability that the source is a starREAL
ra2000Celestial Right AscensionDOUBLE
random_idRandom ID in the range 0.0 => 100.0REAL
ring256HEALPix ring nside=256 indexINTEGER
sourceidUID of this merged detection as assigned by merge algorithmBIGINT
sourcenameSource name in IAU conventionCHAR
yapermag3Default point source Y aperture corrected mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
yapermag3errError in default point/extended source Y magREAL
yapermag4Point source Y aperture corrected mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
yapermag4errError in point/extended source Y mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
yapermag6Point source Y aperture corrected mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
yapermag6errError in point/extended source Y mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diam)REAL
yapermagnoapercorr3Default extended source Y aperture mag (2.0 arcsec diam)REAL
yapermagnoapercorr4Extended source Y aperture mag (2.8 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
yapermagnoapercorr6Extended source Y aperture mag (5.7 arcsec aperture diameter)REAL
yaverageconfaverage confidence in 2 arcsec diam default aperture 3 YREAL
yclassdiscrete image classification flag in YSMALLINT
yclassstatN(0,1) stellarness-of-profile statistic in YREAL
yell1-b/a, where a/b=semi-major/minor axes in YREAL
yerrbitsprocessing warning/error bitwise flags in YINTEGER
yetaOffset of Y detection from master position (+north/-south)REAL
ygausigRMS of axes of ellipse fit in YREAL
yhlcorsmjradasSeeing corrected half-light, semi-major axis in Y bandREAL
ymjdModified Julian Day in Y bandDOUBLE
ymjextExtended source colour Y-J (using aperMagNoAperCorr3)REAL
ymjexterrError on extended source colour Y-JREAL
ymjpntPoint source colour Y-J (using aperMag3)REAL
ymjpnterrError on point source colour Y-JREAL
ypaellipse fit celestial orientation in YREAL
ypetromagExtended source Y mag (Petrosian)REAL
ypetromagerrError in extended source Y mag (Petrosian)REAL
ypperrbitsadditional WFAU post-processing error bits in YINTEGER
yseqnumthe running number of the Y detectionINTEGER
yxiOffset of Y detection from master position (+east/-west)REAL