Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

The Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) is one of the largest astronomical ground-based survey to date, observed with a fully dedicated telescope at Apache Point Observatory, in Southern New Mexico. SDSS includes photometric and spectroscopic observations, and started in 2000. In Data Release 17 (from Dec. 2021), the imaging portion covers 14,555 square degrees (around one third of the sky). The spectroscopic portion currently contains spectra for 5.8 million objects (4.8 million labeled as "useful") in the optical and more than 700 thousand in the IR. For more information on the SDSS DR17 statistics, please visit SDSS DR17 Scope.

Data Lab currently hosts all of the main tables with photometric and spectroscopic measurements from SDSS DR12, DR16, and DR17.

The sdss_dr17.specobj table has been crossmatched with all other datasets in Data Lab within a 1.5 arcsec radius, nearest neighbor only. These tables will appear with x1p5 in their name in our table browser. Example: sdss_dr17.x1p5__specobj__gaia_dr3__gaia_source.

These are the main tables of their last two SDSS data releases that are hosted at Data Lab (besides the crossmatch tables mentioned above):

SDSS DR17 Database Main Tables
photoplate Full photometric catalog values
platex Plate data for spectroscopic observations
segue1specobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-1 spectra
segue2specobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-2 spectra
seguespecobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-1 + SEGUE-2 spectra
specobj View of specobjall that have just the clean spectra. It excludes QA, sky and duplicates
specobjall All measured values of spectra
For further description of their latest release SDSS DR17, visit the site (

SDSS DR16 Database Main Tables
photoplate Full photometric catalog values
platex Plate data for spectroscopic observations
segue1specobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-1 spectra
segue2specobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-2 spectra
seguespecobjall View of specobjall that includes only SEGUE-1 + SEGUE-2 spectra
specobj View of specobjall that have just the clean spectra. It excludes QA, sky and duplicates
specobjall All measured values of spectra
SDSS DR16 Database Value Added Catalogs (VAC)
dr16q Quasar Catalog
dr16q_duplicates Duplicates Quasar Catalog
dr16q_superset Superset Quasar Catalog
dr16q_superset_duplicates Superset Duplicates Quasar Catalog
elg_classifier ELG classifer
sdssebossfirefly Stellar population parameters measured of spectra
spiders_quasar SPIDERS Quasar eRositas source
For further description of SDSS DR16, visit the site (

Estimated stellar masses in SDSS DR12

The sdss_dr12.stellarmass_granada, sdss_dr12.stellarmass_portsmouth, and sdss_dr12.stellarmass_wisconsin tables contain estimated stellar masses for galaxies using several different models for each object.


Stellar masses using FSPS models of Conroy et al. (2009) fit to SDSS photometry in ugriz. The fit is carried out on extinction corrected model magnitudes that are scaled to the i-band c-model magnitude. The assumed IMF is given by the "imf" column, the assumed star formation model is given by the "model" column, and the inclusion dust extinction (or not) is given by the "dust" column.

The "early-star-formation" star formation model restricts the assumption about when the star-formation in the galaxy could occur to within 2 Gyrs of the Big Bang. The "wide-star-formation" version allows an extended star-formation history.


Stellar masses using the method of Maraston et al. (2009). These fit stellar evolution models to the SDSS photometry, using the known redshifts. The assumed IMF is given by the "imf" column, and the assumed evolution model is given by the "model" column.

For passive stellar evolution, the star-formation model is an instantaneous burst stellar population whose age is fit for (with a minimum allowed age of 3 Gyrs). The population is 97% solar metallicity and 3% metal-poor, by mass. The "imf" column is set to "M09" for these models.

For star-forming galaxies, the star-formation model uses a metallicity (specified in the "metallicity" column) and one of three star-formation histories: constant, truncated, and exponentially declining ("tau"). The type, and relevant time scale, are given in the "SFH" column. The "age" listed gives the start time for the onset of star-formation in each model.


Stellar masses using the method of Chen et al. (2012). In this table, the best estimate of stellar mass is "mstellar_median".

Please use the "model" values to find the specific population synthesis model:

Please use the "warning" values to check for data quality:

  • warning = 0 : Results correspond to a best-fit PCA spectrum (no problems detected)
  • warning = 1 : Target redshift too small (z < 0.05)
  • warning = 2 : Target redshift too large (z > 0.80)
  • warning = 3 : READSPEC cannot get wavelength vector
  • warning = 4 : Available wavelengths all outside PCA coverage
  • warning = 5 : Unable to project projection wavelength range
  • warning = 6 : Unable to select projection wavelength range
  • warning = 7 : Minimum chi^2 less than zero
  • warning = 8 : Total of log mass PDF equal to zero
  • warning = 9 : Total of velocity dispersion PDF equal to zero

Galaxy Properties for DR8 spectra from MPA-JHU

The sdss_dr8.galspecinfo, ssdss_dr8.galspecline, sdss_dr8.galspecindx, and ssdss_dr8.galspecextra tables contain the “galSpec” galaxy properties from MPA-JHU. These properties are deprecated in favor of the Wisconsin, Portsmouth, and Granada team analyses of the same data, but are provided in DR17 for comparison.

They refer to this set of line measurements as the MPA-JHU measurements, after the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics and the Johns Hopkins University where the technique was developed. The Galspec product provided by the MPA-JHU group is based on the methods of Brinchmann et al. 2004, Kauffmann et al. 2003, and Tremonti et al. 2004. These have been run on previous SDSS data releases and the catalog has been made publicly available since DR4, and has been included in the SDSS data release since DR8.

They provide MPA measurements for all objects that "idlspec2d" calls a galaxy in rund2=26 (used for the DR7 plates). This code has not been run on the new SEGUE-2 plates in run2d=103 and 104 or on any BOSS spectra. They briefly describe the technique on their SDSS website; details can be found in the papers referenced above.

SDSS DR8 Galaxy Properties Tables
galspecinfo Gives basic information about each spectrum (see datamodel)
galspecline Gives line measurements for each spectrum(see datamodel)
galspecindx Gives Lick and other indices for each spectrum (see datamodel)
galspecextra Gives some ancillary physical parameters for each spectrum (see datamodel)

SDSS DR12 coverage map

Above: Approximate coverage of the SDSS (based on DR12. Credit: SDSS DR12):