
S-PLUS is possible due to a partnership between several Brazilian institutions and the University of La Serena in Chile. We warmly thank FAPESP, the primary source of funding (80%) of S-PLUS, which has also provided continuing support for the maintenance and operation of the telescope and camera, through project 2009/54202-8. We also thank CNPq, ON, UFS, UFSC and ULS for funding and in-kind contributions which were crucial for completing the project . We acknowledge support from CEFCA staff for a number of technical issues and most importantly for providing a copy of the pipeline for data reduction used for T80-north data, which is also used for T80-South. The S-PLUS data are automatically available to the Brazilian and Spanish communities and for any external collaborators worldwide who may wish to join specific projects, upon request to the PI (Claudia Mendes de Oliveira, or project scientist (AnalĂ­a Smith Castelli,

Astro Data Lab