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Table: ls_dr9.ccds_annotated
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column NameDescriptionDatatype
airmassAirmass of observation (measured at the telescope bore-sight)REAL
annotatedTrue unless there is an error when computing the annotated quantities in this row of the fileSMALLINT
cameraThe camera that took this image (X is 7 for 90prime, 6 for mosaic and 5 for decam)VARCHAR
ccd_cutsBit mask describing CCD image quality (see
ccddecoffMedian astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccddecrmsrms in astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdnameCCD name, e.g. N10, S7 for DECam (X is 4 for 90prime and mosaic CCDs, and 3 for decam)VARCHAR
ccdnastromNumber of stars (after sigma-clipping) used to compute astrometric correctionSMALLINT
ccdnphotomNumber of Gaia+PS1 stars detected with signal-to-noise ratio greater than fiveSMALLINT
ccdphrmsPhotometric rms for the CCD (in mag)REAL
ccdraoffMedian astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdrarmsrms in astrometric offset for the CCD in arcsecREAL
ccdskycountsMean sky counts level per second per pixel (AVSKY divided by EXPTIME) in the CP-processed frames measured (with iterative rejection) for each CCD in the image section [500:1500,1500:2500]REAL
ccdskysbSky surface brightness (in AB mag/arcsec2)REAL
ccdzptZeropoint for the CCD (AB mag)REAL
cd1_1Astrometric header value: transformation matrixREAL
cd1_2Astrometric header value: transformation matrixREAL
cd2_1Astrometric header value: transformation matrixREAL
cd2_2Astrometric header value: transformation matrixREAL
crpix1Astrometric header value: X reference pixelREAL
crpix2Astrometric header value: Y reference pixelREAL
crval1Astrometric header value: RA of reference pixelDOUBLE
crval2Astrometric header value: Dec of reference pixelDOUBLE
ddecMaximum distance from RA,Dec center to the edge midpoints, in DecREAL
decApproximate Dec center of this CCD (deg)DOUBLE
dec0Dec coordinate of pixel (1,1)DOUBLE
dec1Dec coordinate of pixel (1,H)DOUBLE
dec2Dec coordinate of pixel (W,H)DOUBLE
dec3Dec coordinate of pixel (W,1)DOUBLE
dec_boreTelescope boresight Dec of this exposure (deg)DOUBLE
dec_centerDec coordinate of CCD centerDOUBLE
decam_extinction_1Extinction for optical filter uREAL
decam_extinction_2Extinction for optical filter gREAL
decam_extinction_3Extinction for optical filter rREAL
decam_extinction_4Extinction for optical filter iREAL
decam_extinction_5Extinction for optical filter zREAL
decam_extinction_6Extinction for optical filter YREAL
draMaximum distance from RA,Dec center to the edge midpoints, in RAREAL
ebvSFD98 E(B-V) extinction for CCD centerREAL
expnumExposure number, eg 348224BIGINT
exptimeExposure time in seconds, eg 30REAL
filterFilter used for observation, eg g, r, zCHAR
fwhmFWHM (in pixels) measured by the CPREAL
galdepth5-sigma galaxy (0.45 arcs round exp) detection depth in AB magREAL
galnorm_meanNorm of the PSF model convolved by a 0.45 arcs exponential galaxyREAL
galnorm_stdStandard deviation of galaxy normREAL
gaussgaldepth5-sigma galaxy detection depth in AB mag, using Gaussian PSF approximationREAL
gausspsfdepth5-sigma PSF detection depth in AB mag, using Gaussian PSF approximation (using seeing value)REAL
good_region_1If only a subset of the CCD images was used, this array of x0,x1,y0,y1 values gives the coordinates that were used, [x0,x1), [y0,y1). -1 for no cut (most CCDs)SMALLINT
good_region_2If only a subset of the CCD images was used, this array of x0,x1,y0,y1 values gives the coordinates that were used, [x0,x1), [y0,y1). -1 for no cut (most CCDs)SMALLINT
good_region_3If only a subset of the CCD images was used, this array of x0,x1,y0,y1 values gives the coordinates that were used, [x0,x1), [y0,y1). -1 for no cut (most CCDs)SMALLINT
good_region_4If only a subset of the CCD images was used, this array of x0,x1,y0,y1 values gives the coordinates that were used, [x0,x1), [y0,y1). -1 for no cut (most CCDs)SMALLINT
heightHeight in pixels of this image, eg 4096SMALLINT
humidityOutside humidity percentageREAL
image_filenamePath to FITS image, e.g. north/DECam_CP/CP20170729/c4d_170730_045351_ooi_g_v1.fits.fzVARCHAR
image_hduFITS HDU number in the image_filename file where this image can be foundSMALLINT
ls_ccd_idUnique CCD IdBIGINT
maxskyMax of our sky level, in nanomaggiesREAL
meanskyOur pipeline (not the CP) estimate of the sky level, average over the image, in nanomaggiesREAL
minskyMin of our sky level, in nanomaggiesREAL
mjd_obsDate of observation in MJD (in UTC system), eg 56884.99373389DOUBLE
objectName listed in the object tag from the CCD headerVARCHAR
outtempOutside temperature (deg C)REAL
phrmsMedian photometric rms across all CCDs in the image (in mag)REAL
pixscale_maxMax of pixel scaleREAL
pixscale_meanPixel scale (via sqrt of area of a 10x10 pixel patch evaluated in a 5x5 grid across the image), in arcsec/pixelREAL
pixscale_minMin of pixel scaleREAL
pixscale_stdStandard deviation of pixel scaleREAL
plprocidUnique, time-based, CP processing hash - see the plprocid page for how to convert this to a dateVARCHAR
plverCommunity Pipeline (CP) version numberVARCHAR
procdateCP processing dateVARCHAR
propidProposal ID of the program that took this image, eg 2014B-0404VARCHAR
psf_aPSF model major axis (pixels)REAL
psf_bPSF model minor axis (pixels)REAL
psf_ellPSF ellipticity 1 - minor/majorREAL
psf_mx2PSF model second moment in x (pixels^2)REAL
psf_mxyPSF model second moment in x-y (pixels^2)REAL
psf_my2PSF model second moment in y (pixels^2)REAL
psf_thetaPSF position angle (deg)REAL
psfdepth5-sigma PSF detection depth in AB mag, using PsfEx PSF modelREAL
psfnorm_meanPSF norm = 1/sqrt of N_eff = sqrt(sum(psf_i^2)) for normalized PSF pixels i; mean of the PSF model evaluated on a 5x5 grid of points across the image. Point-source detection standard deviation is sig1/psfnorm.REAL
psfnorm_stdStandard deviation of PSF normREAL
raApproximate RA center of this CCD (deg)DOUBLE
ra0RA coordinate of pixel (1,1)...Note that the ordering of the CCD corners is detailed hereDOUBLE
ra1RA coordinate of pixel (1,H)DOUBLE
ra2RA coordinate of pixel (W,H)DOUBLE
ra3RA coordinate of pixel (W,1)DOUBLE
ra_boreTelescope boresight RA of this exposure (deg)DOUBLE
ra_centerRA coordinate of CCD centerDOUBLE
sig1Median per-pixel error standard deviation, in nanomaggiesREAL
skyrmsSky rms for the entire image (in counts/secondREAL
stdskyStandard deviation of our sky level, in nanomaggiesREAL
tileebvMean SFD98 E(B-V) extinction in the tile, 0 for data from programs other than BASS, MzLS or DECaLSREAL
tileidTile number, 0 for data from programs other than MzLS or DECaLSINTEGER
tilepassTile pass number, 1, 2 or 3, if this was an MzLS or DECaLS observation, or 0 for data from other programs. Set by the observers (the meaning of tilepass is on the
widthWidth in pixels of this image, eg 2046SMALLINT
wise_extinction_1Extinction for WISE band W1REAL
wise_extinction_2Extinction for WISE band W2REAL
wise_extinction_3Extinction for WISE band W3REAL
wise_extinction_4Extinction for WISE band W4REAL
yshift(ignore; its always False)SMALLINT
zptMedian zero point for the entire image (median of all CCDs of the image), eg 25.0927REAL