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Table: sparcl.main
(The bold columns are indexed columns)
Column Name | Description | Datatype |
data_release | Data release of a given record | VARCHAR |
datasetgroup | Human-readable common name for a coherent set of spectra that go together | VARCHAR |
dateobs | Range of observational dates for a given spectrum (single value for a single date) | VARCHAR |
dateobs_center | Central value of the dateobs range | VARCHAR |
dec | Declination in degrees | DOUBLE |
elat | Ecliptic latitude | DOUBLE |
elon | Ecliptic longitude | DOUBLE |
exptime | Exposure time in seconds | REAL |
glat | Galactic latitude | DOUBLE |
glon | Galactic longitude | DOUBLE |
htm9 | HTM Level-9 index | INTEGER |
instrument | Instrument used for observation | VARCHAR |
nest4096 | Healpix ID with nside 4096, nested schema | INTEGER |
ra | Right Ascension in degrees | DOUBLE |
random_id | Random ID in the range 0 to 100 (decimal) | REAL |
redshift | Observed redshift, or radial velocity in units of redshift | DOUBLE |
redshift_err | Uncertainty on the observed redshift, or radial velocity in units of redshift | DOUBLE |
redshift_warning | Bitmask with warning on redshift result | SMALLINT |
ring256 | Healpix ID with nside 256, ring schema | INTEGER |
site | Site of observations | VARCHAR |
sparcl_id | Universally Unique Identifier for spectrum in SPARCL | VARCHAR |
specid | Dataset-specific spectrum identifier (may not be unique) | BIGINT |
specprimary | Whether an entry is the primary spectrum for a given target object | SMALLINT |
spectype | Spectral type of the object (STAR, GALAXY, QSO) | VARCHAR |
targetid | Dataset-specific photometric target identifier | BIGINT |
telescope | Telescope used for the observation | VARCHAR |
wavemax | Maximum value of wavelength coverage | DOUBLE |
wavemin | Minimum value of wavelength coverage | DOUBLE |